Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why…You Are So Welcome!

Ok, so I was in Borders (again) two days ago. And I bought a book (again) and following my purchase the cashier dude asked me if I would like a bag. I said, no as I already had a bag. He looked at me and said,
“Why thank you for saving a bag today.” It wasn’t so much what he said, but HOW he said. Seriously, he was so appreciative of my bag-saving efforts that I left the store feeling like I had seriously made a huge impact on the Green Economy. “Why you are so welcome!” I smiled and grabbed my book (without its own bag) and put it in my other bag.
“Hey, every little bit helps.” He finished. I mean it almost made me want to go through the store and remind everyone to just “SAVE A BAG” today because that cashier guy will TOTALLY thank you and make you feel like you are the greenest of the green people.

Also, in my effort to read more classic literature I had was excited that a whole table of classic books was marked down to like $5 and $6 each! So….like I could resist. I am only a third of the through Jane Austen’s Emma, but will reward my efforts by watching the movie when I am done. Once I am done with that, it will be a big decision what to start next…:)

One more thing! More of a complaint….really. There should be a separate register in all convenient stores for those who would like to purchase NY Lotto tickets and cigarettes (those purchases seem to go hand in hand). Why a separate register? Because sometimes there are people who just want to pay for their gas and a coke and leave! But nooooo….THOSE people get stuck behind the woman with an envelope FILLED with tickets to cash in. Then, once she cashes in, she decides to purchase more and pay for them one-by-one. The next step is to ask for cigarettes that are not available behind the counter and the cashier has to go in the back and find them. Awesome. Now the person wanting to pay for gas and a coke has a warm coke and is a lil grouchy :)
Separate cash register please.
But save a bag!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amber,
It's fun that you can take any "normal" rather uneventful situation in a regular day and make it seem quite interesting/humorous. Wish I had that talent. Thanks for the smile.
Have a great day.
Aunt Darlene

Anonymous said...

So with you on that lottery register
um. and go green you bag saver :P