Wednesday, March 4, 2009

P90X and I might Die...

So today is the day. Wednesday, March 4 2009.... I will start the 90-day P90X extreme workout. I am posting it so its no secret...I'm gonna get this sucker done. I keep telling myself it won't be too bad, I mean, I workout...I'm relatively hard can this be? But, the man that points his finger at me on the introduction video, he kinda scares me. I am slightly fearful he will make Jillian from the Biggest Loser look like a peach.
However, 90 days should bring us to summer-like weather (if it doesn't, I'm outta here! ...don't worry mom - I'll bring you and dad too) however, summer clothes should be enough incentive to keep at this for 90 days right?
I needed some sort of change in my workout routine as I am getting BORED...I blame it partly on the weather, but still no more excuses! (That sounded pretty determined huh?) My self-talk will have to persevere here, I told myself...if I can make it through pre-season at college...this shouldn't be THAT big a deal..right? right. Also, the man in the video can't ACTUALLY see me, so if I collapse and die or start to's not like he's gonna cut me from his team :P
So, I'm gonna do the first workout today, if I survive I will let you know. If not, I didn't go down without a fight :D

UPDATE at 4:15p.m. -well I didn't die. Seriously tho, I am not sure I can lift my arms above my head right now. This guy makes any Tae Bo series look like a walk in the park. However, I was looking for something more challenging and I just found it! I had to laugh because you get these log sheets to keep track of your pace and diet..blah, blah blah,..the kicker is to take a before photo of your body, a in-the-middle photo and an after photo...(I'll be sure to post those :P HAHAHAHA!) anyway, it gets more intense as the weeks progress and I am hoping I can keep on track with it. I even curtailed it so that rest days come on Tuesdays, which is my deadline day at the paper. So, Day 1...done....only 89 more to go....I still might die.


Anonymous said...

This will be interesting. I just watched this infomercial, actually. I know you think it'd be ridiculous and maybe embarrassing to post your progress pics, but honestly, it would probably encourage a lot of people, including me. I mean, how many times do we see these infomercials, and go "yeah right!" But to see a real friend's progress, that would really be something! I considered this program for about 5 minutes, then said... "yeah right!" haha

Amber J said...

You know if possible photographs were to be posted it would probably be the most insane motivator ever!!!! I'd have to think about it...right now..i think every muscle in my upper body getting up this morning was a small miracle in itself...but I'll think about;)
Kinda of post awesome, artistic photographs..and I'll post photos of myself:P haha