Monday, September 14, 2009

I'll Admit It...

I think many people have a fascination with other people. Some may not admit they do, but they do. I notice other people's quirks and dynamics that differ from or simulate my own. Some people, like myself, openly admit that I people watch.
So the following quote in a book I was reading made me laugh :
"Ok, the truth is, I could help it, but I am dreadfully nosy and shamelessly distracted by people dynamics." - Beth Moore

Yup. It's true...that's me. People interest me and for many reasons, but I thought that quote summed it up pretty well. :) Wanna know what I notice about you??? :D


Jill Kemerer said...

I'm the same way. And it's not with everyone. Certain people just grab my attention and I can't turn away! For shame!

Unknown said...

haha - i know - I can't even pretend I am NOT doing it. It's very annoying the person who IS talking to me and my attentions keeps diverting :) probably should work on that!

lost in thought said...

um i mite be like that. maybe a lil. maybe a lot actually.

Anonymous said...

yea - bring it ...watchya see ?
Christy :)