Thursday, February 11, 2010

The V-Day "debate"

In the past week I have had at least three completely different conversations about Valentine's Day. It's an interesting holiday especially after hearing such vastly different ideas about it. Of course one friend LOVES it. But she has reasons. Her hubby is a super romantic with grand ideas. (No kids yet;) ) So, they do it up. Dinners, flowers, gifts - sometimes it turns into a weekend long event. She was excited for it but a little down because someone made a comment to her about it being a holiday to FORCING people to buy cards and candy. (Shhhh to those people...don't be hatin!)
That of course, brings me to my next point. I have another friend who doesn't necessarily despise the day, but prefers not to make a big deal out of it. No big romantic gestures, maybe a rose or a card - but it doesn't get crazy. She admitted she would be more impressed with gestures of "love" on random, non-holiday-type days.
Then, of course, we come to the last bit. The v-day hater. I can understand ALL three points of view. The hater doesn't hate it because she is alone or has had a bad experience, nope - she looks at it simply as a marketing giant for a certain card company :)
"I don't even think anyone likes the chocolate in the boxes, gimme a bag of peanut M&Ms and I'm good." I had to chuckle.
She also said. "Seriously, Hallmark had to write your love sentiments...I think...write me your own poem..put it on a piece of heart construction paper you cut out...and I'll like that better."
It was actually a hysterical conversation, but just left me to really visit three different ideas about one day.
I say, to each his own on that one. If you want to go it up! If you wanna be a hater...break out the bag of M&Ms and scratch down sentiments on a home-made card...honestly - I like it all.
We do use the day as a chance to have fun. The boys get little v-day gifts, Andrew LOVED doing cards up for his class and we DO send out little cards for the grandparents and this time around we are going out with friends....who all love each other :D good enough!
So, whatever your Valentine Day ideal, I say, at least it's a reminder to tell people you love... "love you."
So, love you :)

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