Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Texting vs. Toddlers

Talking on a cell phone while driving is illegal here in good ol' New York and now certain towns and counties are passing the law that texting while driving will carry a $150 fine. I can somewhat understand that, I am a horrible texter/driver...you could probably spot me a mile away, so I don't do it....much.
The law-maker people say that texting requires too much time with your eyes off the road, too much brain power (more so than talking on a phone apparently) and takes a hand off the wheel. To all of this great reasoning...I am wondering....has anyone driven around with a toddler (or two) in the back seat? If you want to talk about distractions: how many times eyes are off the road to see where the favorite toy dropped between the seats? How much brain power is being squelched as you reason with two children arguing in the back seat or how many times hands are off the wheel as you try to pass back the third snack of the trip:) Now, don't get me wrong, I am not making a case for it to be illegal to drive with children (haha) I am merely saying, that texting and cell phone calls (though distracting) are substantially less distracting then small, human beings strapped into the middle or for some...third seats. I can't really see them passing a law that says "No driving with children under three", but comparatively speaking.....
If were gonna get strict with driving laws I would just rather see them get down and dirty with the DWIers of the world.
Happy Tuesday y'all.


Anonymous said...

That's why I'm proposing all mothers have their drivers licenses revoked. If your kids aren't driving themselves, you all have to walk. haha j/k

Amber J said...

NICE! Lemme know how that works! Does your wife know about this law you are working on? Just wondering :P I do however propose that moms of babies get at least a reserved parking spots and stores...THAT would be cool.