Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When You Wonder If You Can Forgive THAT Person...

You can't really understand the pain of any circumstance unless you have traveled the road yourself. You can sympathize, but you cannot empathize. I cannot understand your hurt and you can't truly understand mine...unless of course...we have suffered the same.
If you have five free minutes, click on the post below. It is written by a friend of my mother's. They share a common likeness...a child who has suffered a severe brain injury.


The circumstances are different in many ways, but the biggest difference is this : My brother's accident was simply that...an accident. It was horrific and gut wrenching, but there was no one to blame, unless of course we chose to blame God himself...but that was not an option. In this lovely mother's situation, her family was turned inside out and upside down by a drunk driver. Her blog is the statement read in court as the man was sentenced...please read and even if you don't have children - try to understand the depth of her forgiveness evolving from the caverns of despair. I pray most of us are never asked to forgive like this, but are we able to forgive the more "minor" infractions incurred on our rather thin skin? Just askin'. T'wasn't an easy pill for me to swallow myself.

*(after thought)
I was thinking of this post and had to add one little thing..matters of a hurt heart are never trite. I was never suggesting that unless you have gone through a major trauma in your life you should be open armed and forgiving. Each person has their own experiences and their own recesses of hurtful life events. The post was merely a taking off point, a point at which I hope, we can all sit back and hope perspective situates itself hand in hand on our walk through whatever that may be :)


TS said...

I don't have the words, Amber. You, your family and friend have gone through so much. Thank you for bringing reality back in perspective. I'll think twice about my complaints.........

Anonymous said...

hmmm, points to ponder in the one amberj