Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Austin can pick me dandelions and because he loves them and gives them to me proud, those silly weeds get displayed on my counter in a vase while all the other "pretty"flowers get left outside in their respective places. However, my Austin finds the dandelions special and with his intentions he makes them priceless. 
So, it challenges me to be inspired by "simpler" things, dandelions if you will!
 Inspiration as of late?
Aron Ralston is definitely an inspiration in the people world. Would you cut off your arm to survive?  random thought I know, but if you haven't seen that movie. I suggest it. It's intense, but puts a little perspective on"problems". I heart James Patterson's sweet, sappy romance novels. Watching a movie of his as I write ( sap-ola). Whatever, don't judge - it's a rainy morning, kids are at school and I'm working.
Thunderstorms! love em!
And is this weird?  We have had three semi-bad days and on all three days - HUGE rainbows. HUGE. We were stranded at the airport before leaving for Florida- rainbow over the entire place.  We had a flat tire when we took the kids bike riding at Thacher Park - HUGE rainbow and believe it or not, the day our Hershey dog passed away, that night - a rainbow :).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rainbows are special - who knows!!