Being Great. We all want to be great at something. We look at those who can fill arenas because of their music, we look at artists who are so famous we would die if we were in their presence. We admire amazing public speakers, we may be in complete admiration of someone we know in our own life, I mean THEY are great. We seldom recognize the ways we can be great.
However, at church this Sunday morning our Pastor spoke about being great, great in a way that would probably revolutionize American culture in days and I'm not exaggerating. It wouldn't fill arenas and we wouldn't make headlines...well, maybe you would.
He emphasized being great.
Being great at holding hands.
Being great at making someone's day
Being great at ensuring someone else's success
Being great at calling home
Being great at reading your Bible
Being great about wiping applesauce of your child's face
Being great at being a brother
Being great at being a friend
Being great at being father or a mother
Being great at hugs
Being great at letting someone else get attention
Being great at listening.
Being great at making his day or her day
Being great at making her feel she's worth it
Being great at all the things, so many of us aren't great at.
If we could choose just one thing we could be great at, one thing every day. I think our hearts would fill rapidly.