Saturday, June 28, 2008

I Am A Blog Stalker

I am a self-proclaimed blog stalker. I think it is slowly turning into an addiction that may need professional attention in the near future. Ok, well maybe not. I am fascinated by the number of people that blog, but I am even more enamoured with what people write about. I spent this morning (at least 45 minutes or more) reading a variety of blogs from friends and even a few from people I don’t even know.
So, I indulged in the entertainment of reading through the incredible variety of self-expression. It could easily some day replace the traditional morning paper and cup of coffee….of course I mean…replacing the newspaper…not the cup of coffee. Some blogs are purely fun others are a little more insightful and some jump right into the serious and thought provoking side of life. It is almost as good as reading a page-turning novel when you just can't wait to get to the next chapter and find out what happens. For instance in one morning I read about being a mom of three children under the age four, a wife’s struggle with her husbands cancer, a soul-journers insight into praying to God, and why someone would choose to go white water rafting on class 3 rapids and an artists depiction on a current work in progress. I would challenge a writer to get all of that into one book. I think it would make a phenomenal piece of literary work.
So, it is my selfish act every once in awhile to go blog stalking. I leave my world for a brief instant and get lost in someone else’s. It slightly compares to people-watching at the mall. You know when you sit on the bench waiting for someone or to finish the mocha latte you just treated yourself to from Starbucks, you sit and watch people walk by. You take the time to notice clothes, attitude, hand-holding, crying children, sleeping children in strollers, busy people, clueless people, people who just spent way too much money on themselves…you get the idea. Except in blog stalking you get the good stuff. You get thoughts, emotions, feelings. Who cares what anyone’s is wearing (let be safe with that oneJ ) I get to see, read and feel the internal dialog of some amazing writers. It’s inspiring and many times, it is comic relief.
So, if you are a blogger, careful…I’m a stalker.


runnersam said...


ckuretich said...

oh i'm a stalker too, absolutely. I think it's almost better to stalk when you don't know the person - more of a random blessing, in a way. because you have no ties to this person; nothing to say "well she couldn't have meant that..." or whatever - and yet, some people write so well, so honestly - that you clearly see who they are in their blog, and it's a beautiful picture. I have found many blogs that thoroughly soothe and entertain my soul via Google Reader - if you don't do it, I highly recommend it. It's like Tivo for Bloglines. :)

Amber J said...

Ahhh..couldn't agree more CK!