Thursday, May 27, 2010

So they are building a new house...

Yup. My parents decided (without my consent believe it or not) to build a new house. It's not very far from where they are now, a little more obscure, away from two busy roads and sunk into the woods where I am sure my dad will relish the quiet and might need to get on a "chat" more now and then:)
I am truly excited for them, but wow! We have lived in the house where they are now for MOST of my life. I am sure they will have the same nostalgic quandries I do, but it will be weird to relinquish the rights to just drive up that driveway and walk into the house.
I am not a HUGE Miranda Lambert fan... but this song...well..mite have to claim it for awhile...

It's funny I remember getting my room and thinking it was "my own", my very new room to which I completed it with lavender walls and unicorn bed sheets. I didn't learn to play guitar in my room, but I learned to write. I spent HOURS handwriting novels, yes hundreds of pages and I still have them. Of course, now I look at them and giggle, but back then, it was a brilliant masterpiece that would one day meet publication - I was sure of it ;) It will be sad saying good -bye to the house that owns most of your childhood memories and since I am SOOO good with change...I am sure I will adjust quickly :)

All in all - it will be an awesome move from my parents..I mean, they will be about two miles out of my way when I drive to work, but I guess it's not TOTALLY about me :D

OH and in a totally unrelated topic...
My song that I was belting out when I missed my exit after a this one... luv it :) FREE - Zac Brown Band.... seriously - play it really loud while your might miss your exit could happen.

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