Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Did I Just Do That???

Yup. I did. Confrontation is not my thing, not even close. But last week in the mall in Albany I had to put the end to a screaming two year old's tantrum in the hallway. Mind you, if you know me at all, you will know this was slightly out of character... :) However, as I sat in a restaurant and the screams of the child escalated for five, ten and nearly 15 minutes without another adult in sight and entire restaurant murmuring about the situation with things were getting a little uncomfortable. I heard one woman lean over to another and say"some parents should be shot." YIKES! I began to feel like I was on that show "What Would You Do". If you have not seen it, it's a fantastic show. No camera's were in sight as far as I could tell, but I eventually was the one that meandered out to the hallway and gently, nicely (and with knees shaking) talked to the child and found her mother who was, believe it or not, just standing in line at a store a mere 10 feet away. Sigh.
The mom was twice my size and a wee bit taller so as she approached me...I could feel my insides churning and silently begged her not to scream at me in the middle of the mall. I can't think of a bigger set up for a huge confrontation then when you approach another mom about her child... (mama bear syndrome on high alert) Then I looked back over my shoulder and I was like... a whole restaurant had my back at this point. The conversation was short and I felt like I had to apply some survival mode awareness. "don't let them sense fear"..not sure what that applies too, but I did my best! I don't think I make a friend that day nor did we go out for coffee to discuss how to deal with screaming children in the mall. But the screaming at least had stopped.
Not sure what made me do it, I had friend tell me it's what coaching has done to me... enough parental confrontations and I'm a pro ;)
So, to make myself feel better I went to starbucks where I watched a little girl sit at at table and color while her mom read a novel. Much more my speed. :)


CG said...

Wow. Good job, Amber. That takes a lot of courage. I would have been one of the supporting restaurant peoples, prolly haha.

Anonymous said...

so, i wanna hear more details... what the heck did you say!?!?!

Anonymous said...

ha. would have loved to have seen that!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Amber, what the heck?! You lead up to this big climax, and then just left us hanging!

"Nobody would do it...then I finally got up...walked to the child...the mother approached me! I was shaking, I was nervous! Then I went to starbucks!" WHAT??!! What happened to the conversation??!!