Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Night..

Is a favorite. I love it because the TRULY excited people (But not the overly crazy) have their Christmas lights on already. I pretend it's just for me (haha) we drive home in the dark, with tummy's full and barely awake. The lights that eluded me for the days prior are now "on". It is almost like there is an unspoken code about WHEN it's ok to start getting ready for Christmas and when it is proper to put the lights up. I am good with Thanksgiving night - I like to look on my drive home.
Thanksgiving night, I will then admit, did including watching the Taylor Swift Thankgiving special featuring her new album, which I am still acclimating too. I mean, I like it and it IS moving up on my scale of didn't blow me away. I still haven't downloaded ALL the albums I want..Josh Groban, Sarah McLachlan and Joshua Radin...I think there is more but I can't think right now.

Irony - it wasn't too long ago that stores were banning Christmas music, this seems Christmas music was playing before Halloween.

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