Friday, July 15, 2011

Intentionally being intentional.

A close friend of my mom's past away last week. Someone I have known since I was little.  She had been a college friend and it was ironic in that same week I was meeting up with one of my dearest friends from my college.  Because I attended school so far from home, it's rare I see anyone from good ol' LU. As my friends and I talked about it we realize how very intentional we have to be about everything. Intentional about seeing each other, intentional about loving our family, intentional about knowing how to relax and enjoy life.
That was emphasized when we were able to hang out with Graham and Randi for a bit. Graham, like my brother, suffered a severe brain injury.  My brother's injury is now eight years old (can't believe it has been that long). Graham's injury is just one year old. That one year mark is hard to swallow, because it's the time table every doctor gives a TBI patient. "In one year you will have an idea of what you are dealing with." ugh.
Last year, we had no idea what was happening as he lay in Albany Med's ICU. This year, we sat at the kitchen table and ate ice cream and the guys all laughed and joked around.  Priceless.
It can happen in a blink, faster than a blink.  Life changes. If you have never had a tragedy be the defining moment in your life, I pray you never do. It hangs on the calendar like a blaring signal of life "before" and life "after".
It changes your perspective and it sometimes makes you want to beat people over the head that complain about "small" things.  My mom and I both admit it's hard to not lash out at someone who complains.... I mean, I can complain... but you can't. haha. It's a grace issue and I am working  on it. But after seeing Graham, after knowing what my mom's friend has dealt with over the past three years with cancer and after watching my brother fight for everything in his complaining about anything less seems trite. I even catch myself at it's a learning process. I have to intentionally look around and realize, I have SO MUCH to be thankful for.  I have to be intentional about a lot of things or life slips away and you aren't intentional about anything.


CG said...

I love that idea of being intentional. It's so easy to let life just slip by and meander through. Good stuff, amiga.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Thanks for the reminder.