Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I remember my one friend, after telling her I thought she was talented in so many areas, her comment back was, "jack of all trades, but I'm a master of none."
It threw me. My perception of her was someone who could do just about anything you put in front of her.  Super smart! Double major in college, cute, very athletic, played piano beautifully (just as a hobby), sketch artist? yup, funny, out going, and very efficient, organized, but knew how to have fun and just roll with it.  ALL her fantastic attribute were the VERY thing that made her feel slighted. She knew she was good at a lot of things, but she felt she really didn't shine in any one area. Go figure.
It's amazing how perception can be so warped depending on who is perceiving.
Everyone has insecurities (some are just better at hiding or masking), everyone has something he/ she is good at...some just take a longer road to get there, girls are notorious for comparing themselves to other girls. Guys wanna beat each other up - even when they hug they gotta pound the heck out of each other :)
It's just simply this, God loves his princes and his princesses, it's just when we dilute ourselves we start warping the perception of this amazing being God Just my thought this morning, random at best ;)

1 comment:

CG said...

what a great thought. I needed that this morning friend. Thanks for sharing.