Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To be six-years-old again....

It's common to get that nostalgic feeling; you know...when you wish you were a kid again. So, the other day I took in what my six year old does from morning to night and realized...perhaps, just for a day...I want to be six...and here is why.

1. My biggest concern this morning would have been which camo shirt I wanted to wear.

2. Breakfast was brought to my little table while I chose what cartoon I wanted to watch.

3. I come. I eat. I leave.

4. My dad would give me $$$ for helping with a chore.

5. People randomly tell me how cute I am.

6. Clothes mysteriously appear clean and folded when I want them.

7. Kisses usually make my boo boos stop hurting.

8. I am asked to take naps.

9. I am asked to go to bed early and to please sleep in.

10. I burn more calories in a day than anyone else I know.

11. I can't wait to turn another year older.

12. When I fall asleep in the car, I get carried in and put to bed.

13. I laugh when I am happy

14. I cry when I am sad, I can't hide either emotion.

15. I don't yet understand what makes people act badly.

16. As far as I am concerned...everyone thinks I'm great!

Just a few good reasons to be a kid again for a day...funny thing - of course we all had those days...we just can only appreciate them now looking back.


Jen said...

So true - and such a great reminder on many different levels.

Amber J said...

i know it :( when did we grow up? haha..remember when we were 14.."hi I'm you have a partner" awwww...hee hee - good ol headwaters :)

Anonymous said...

You express it so well.....I want my boo boos kissed away :)
love you, Sunshine

Unknown said...

don't we all :)

Anonymous said...

you can kiss my boo boos ;) i would want to come and eat and preparing, no clean up...just eat. oh wait you can do that...restaurants...but it ain't free!!!

Anonymous said...

you can kiss my boo boos ;) i would want to come and eat and preparing, no clean up...just eat. oh wait you can do that...restaurants...but it ain't free!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo of Andrew. Wish I had been six once. It wasn't quite like Andrew's, but his is nice to think about. It's great that he is still so innocent and pretty much untouched by the "real" world. You and Gregg are doing a great job.
Aunt Darlene