Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Are We So Surprised

These past two days were fantastic. I spent them in Mass. visiting the Norman Rockwell museum and Sturbridge Village with my mom. It's a short drive from here (3 hours to the village) and we were able to see one of my mom's college friends. It was a great couple of days, but of course, can anyone take a road trip without just one mishap? No.
So, about a half hour from home we blew a tire. We pulled into a LITTLE gas station that I had actually never noticed before and quickly realized we had no idea how to release the spare tire from under the car ( i know now!). Within five minutes a family whose daughter plays for me on the soccer team I coach, pulled into the gas station. They use that very gas station because he gets discounts there. My first thought is "what a coincidence!"
Why should I be so surprised that the timing was so perfect? God knew exactly where we were going to be and what was going to happen. It was not just perfect timing, it was God's perfect timing.
So my player's father stayed and helped us and eventually got back home in time to have a bunch of family over for dinner. phew! However, mom and I were discussing... "why are we so surprised when God works so directly or so overtly?" If we believe He is the same God in our Bible and the same God that was in every Sunday School lesson we ever learned ... we should be thankful for his incredible timing....not surprised.

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