I was told I was crazy :) yup, someone said it right to my face.... of course he said it in jest, but I know he meant it. Why? First and foremost because I willingly work with 19 teenage girls from August to November every year. I LOVE this time of year. I don't completely fall in love with the fall, because in my heart I want more summer, but I love the soccer season. I honestly can't remember a time in my life where fall didn't bring soccer -as a player or as a coach. Every year it's always a bunch of work to get ready, to prepare 19 girls to work together for a common goal.... so that is where I was told I was crazy. I add coaching to working, parenting - not to mention embarking upon a small, new photography business that has kept me in a whirlwind of work the past two months!
I say all that - because playing soccer was a passionate endeavor, coaching soccer is a whole new, amazing passion that gives you extreme highs and lows that can't be created anywhere else.
This past week, I watched a girl hit the shot of her life...just as her father was getting out of his car and rushing to get to the field. After the game - he was bursting with pride at what she had done...and he should have been - it was an incredible hit. But, it was special to watch her face light up as her dad recounted the seconds leading up to and following her goal. It was a moment among hundreds and I have many more I could go on and on about - but that was the most recent. So, yea- I am crazy :) But I love the crazy.
I also realize- I am much more energized during the fall and had to wonder what that was all about. I think - it's because I am doing something that I love and that spills over. So may I suggest, if there is something you absolutely love to do, take some time this week and do it! Draw, write, create, run, laugh, sing really loud for no reason, write a song, dream, praise the Lord you are alive to see today - oh..and come watch us play ;)