Tuesday, August 16, 2011

jeans that fit just right...

ever try on a hundred pair of jeans just to find the perfect fit? ok, well i have never tried on 100 pairs of jeans..I am just not that good of a shopper. I get bored and fast.  However, i do love a great pair of jeans! Finding the right fit isn't always easy. I compare that to my latest blogging endeavor. My photography blog is not anything I like. It doesn't fit right, I look at it from all angles and I don't like how it feels. Therefore, a new idea has come about and all of a sudden, it fits, the length was good, the feel is pleasant and I liked how it looks. Perfect.  It's amazing what ideas come and go when you are driving to destination by yourself!
So... tossing the non-fitting pair of jeans aside and pulling on some new ones. Fresh. Fit. Comfy. yay!
And thanks..in advance...to all those who are helping :) It's gonna be fun.

Btw. random. I am halfway through The Help, and that book deserves every rave review it's getting so far. I really like it. Lots.

I also watched the movie Soul Surfer last week with my cousins. I super duper liked it. I was in for a cheesy, inspiration, predictable plot, but it gave more than that. It's family friendly. My kids loved it and we had a lot to talk about after.

Ok, blogness is done!  Time to start focusing on birthday celebrations!! haha! just kidding. well, not really ;)

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