Why is it that some days you feel like there are so many ideas you basically trip over yourself running in all sorts of creative directions and then other days you sit staring at blank canvas...and all you see is blank canvas?
It's odd how sometimes the simplest thing can inspire a infinite number of ideas and then...ya got nothing.
Last night I slept all of three hours....so stinkin' sick I can barely see to type this. BUT, I'm also bored with not enough energy to do much more than blog ...haha. I had lots of time to think tho..I mean, when your sick and your brain won't shut off...one COULD watch Dirty Dancing Havana Nights at 1:30 a.m. and think ...no matter how much one likes dancing...that movie is just awful....or think of ways to be better in what you love and in the way you love :) The latter being MUCH more rewarding.
I have had some time to let ideas sink in and perhaps be inspired...while blowing my nose and dreaming of a the kung fu panda like pressure sitting on mah face....leaving me be.
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