Sunday, January 1, 2012

oh the places you will go...

who knows what could happen in a year. I mean it's a long time, but it's a short time. We always say..where did time go....that happened so fast..... (unless ur doing laundry...or third grade math homework).

Investment. That's the word for this year. Investing in those around me. I try to do that anyway, but perhaps with more purpose this year. Nothing replaces memories with friends and family. Nothing. Not even a super clean, spotless, well organized's nice ;)

What do i mean by investment? i'm not really sure. Perhaps just more of an awareness, a compassion an understanding of others. Praying more intentionally, loving less inhibited, less planning, more living..i dunno... so many cliche's - so little time :)  - cue dramatic music here.

oh and by the way...I'm a bop it whiz...that's another thing about me... I hate board games. kinda. But, once I play I usually like it. However, more board games lead to more fun memories....even my small groupies can attest to some cranium expertise on my behalf.

Frankly, now I am just rambling ;)

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