Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We have no idea what God protects us from throughout our day. We can only be assured that His divine intervention is always at work, sometimes it goes unseen and we ignorantly cruise through our day. At other times, such as yesterday, He lets us know He is watching.
Gregg's truck had to go in for inspection yesterday morning, so he took off like normal down our mountain side hill and dropped it off. No big deal...until.. the mechanic at the garage started up the truck and pulled it into the garage only to have the very next touch on the breaks reveal, the breaks didn't work...something went ( don't ask me what...). However, they almost drove the truck through the garage wall.
As I listened to what had happened, my stomach sank as I thought of Gregg and Andrew driving to school and the breaks going..unhappy, sad, sickening thoughts all the way around. The fact that the breaks went on the very next touch, made me wonder...the horrible..."what if?"
ugh. no. didn't go there very long.
If you have never read "This Present Darkness" or "This Piercing Darkness" I highly recommend them. In moments like yesterday, I sometimes picture an angel riding underneath the truck holding everything together until the boys were safe and sound.
Those books are written from a very unique perspective and I have debated about reading them again....if I didn't have a bazillion other " i wanna read" books sitting here. Maybe soon!
But, anyway yesterday may have been a HUGE reminder...that our days are precarious at best as we drive full throttle through each hour with rarely a second thought as to what is going on around us, but perhaps His angels are there, keeping the breaks in tact for when we decide to stop for a moment and breathe.


Maybe Tomorrow said...

goosebumps . . . .all over. Praise God for his provision of safety for your boys!

Anonymous said...

I KNOW there are guardian angels!! And I am so thankful that our God is in control and always will be. Some of us just need more angels than others...and more prayer! love you and those boys of yours! mom

Anonymous said...

Thank God that they were safe. What an opportunity to witness to the mechanic. God's presence becomes more evident as we look for it, and acknowledge it, even in seemingly "normal" routine.
Love you.
Aunt Darlene

Anonymous said...

wow, thank God! i agree...goosebumps...glad everyone was ok :) PTL!

Josh Lloyd said...

Wow, how crazy. So glad they were safe. I have had a pretty amazing story like that happen to me before. And who knows how many other times things like that happen to us, and we don't ever find out!

One time I was driving down the highway, and for some reason, a scene kept playing over and over in my head of a car going fast, turning the wheel as sharp as he could, causing the vehicle to flip. I just kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, wondering how fast one would have to be going for something like that to happen, etc. So much so, that I completely missed my exit, and didn't even realize it till I was a mile after I was already past it! I took the next exit, and drove back to the road I had meant to turn on. When I finally got back to the road (173 & Hunt Club), there in the ditch was a vehicle completely flipped over. It must have JUST happened, because the cops and ambulance hadn't even arrived yet. I immediately broke out into a sweat, and thanked God for protecting me.

So close, and so scary.

Unknown said...

whoa josh! Isn't that amazing! Wow, I am glad you missed that exit. I am sure there are more instances than we even know!

Jill Kemerer said...

Oh, God's grace is always at work. I'm so glad your husband took it in that day. Shivering...

Anonymous said...

How true we have no clue what GOD does for each and every day....Sometimes I think if we could see how many cross roads we travel thru every day and how many forks in the roads that we have to choose from...Brought a tear to my eye as to the could of.......Hope u gave everyone a big hug....ed c

Unknown said...

sure did :) you never know!