Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's illegal to text and drive...but what about..

Taking pictures? Ok, I wasn't really driving. I pulled over like a responsible, law abiding citizen and snapped this picture of Vroman's Nose in Middleburgh. It's the signature trademark of the Schoharie Valley and I see it every time I drive, our soccer field sits in the forefront and during the fall it's just amazing. The fog rolled in yesterday morning and it just :)


CG said...

very pretty. Also, having a name like Vroman's Nose adds to the picture taking desirability.

Anonymous said...

fantastic!!! LJ

the Jeffr said...

wow. That's a terrific shot! Was that goin up your hill? Nice framing too...foreground, middleground, background. You should take pictures for like a job or something ;)

Unknown said...

:) why thx.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lovely :) very cool with the fog