Thursday, January 20, 2011

Resolution or Revolution

I have a like/hate relationship with the whole New-Year's-resolution...gonna-set-big goals-for myself-in-the-new-year..type of thing. Like a guy in our Bible Study said... "New Year's resolution? Big woop. When you actually DO IT, then that's something to blog about." ha! Perhaps slightly cynical...but kinda true. Maybe we should set an End of the Year Revolution...looking back and saying..yup..mission accomplished.
I understand the concept...and though for the most part I try to be positive...resolutions leave me feeling "eh." Maybe it's because once I set out to do something, I aim to finish it or else it drives me crazy...there are negatives to that as well. SO I have a harder time with people who SAY they will do something...then don't. :) Though I have been guilty of such myself!
And seeing as how I am rambling... one common resolution is to lose weight. Oddly enough I received a trial magazine in the mail and it is one I would never choose to read or buy, but an article caught my eye about a woman who lost 150 pounds.
YIKES! But she was patient and diligent and she did it. She highlighted a few concepts that I thought were humorous but probably pretty effective.
SO!! For those of you who are poised to lose a few pounds this year... these were a few of her concepts:
1. Eat with chopsticks. (Ya gotta eat slower!)
2. Not every meal has to be a feast for the taste buds. Food is fuel...treat it as such.
3. If you mess up, don't vow to do better next week, vow to do better with the very next meal!!
4. You just gotta do it. People overcome trials every day. Get your butt off the couch and just do it. Mind over matter 90% of the time.
5. You are not a saint. If you are out with the girls, well enjoy a drink, enjoy a small dessert, but ladies...a banana split sundae followed by 2 glasses of wine and bread rolls with not a treat. It's derailment!
6. Set a goal to run in a 5k ( erika i can hear your applause). or walk it! Pick a program (so many are out there - but for the ambitious i say p90x or Insanity) and for goodness sake..STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF! Pick a pair of pants ya wanna fit in and aim to try them on at the end of every month!
Ok, I think I'm done ;) and for those thinking and praying about the goals I shared with you ;) Here's to revolution baby!

1 comment:

lost in thought said...

like like like :) im gonna hang a pair of jeans that i kinda fit but want to fit BETTER on the back of the door and try them on at the end of every month... also love chop sticks, think im gonna try that :) and HUGE fan of the running. LETS DO THIS resolution revolution!