Monday, January 30, 2012

workout plan. buy a beagle.

That's right. We have all been fooled. We buy gym memberships, hire trainers, invest in homework outs...but all we really needed to do was buy a puppy.
It's simple..if you run with it every day, the exasperating energy level dissipates the rest of the day.  You start off slow when they are just a few months old and you take them for walks. This gets you off the couch and outside.
You increase the distance the pace as she grows and you too start earning a little more cardio stability.

Soon, you can work her up to a mile or two by 8 months.
By doing alleviate the crazy running around and incessant chewing of things b/c she is simply to tired after :)

It forces you to run, because if you don't. you don't alleviate the crazy running around and incessant chewing of things b/c she is simply NOT tired.

The benefits are two-fold - 1. tired puppy. 2. fitter you.
I know, brilliant. I will be writing a book about it soon and the DVD will be on sale in a few months.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Things one does when one is so sick and fending off boredom

Finally. it happens. So stinkin' sick there was no pushing through it. No pretending I was superwoman, no ignoring the drop kick to the body and pummeling experience my sinus endured.
Day one though miserable. welcomed the idea of laying on the couching.  That enjoyment wore off with the onslaught of boredom but to o sick to do anything about it!

So what does one do when one is sick and unable to DO anything...

1. organize photos and actually put them into albums. Yes, I still print my pictures and make albums. It's somewhat of an antique idea now :)
2. Organize itunes, used spotify..wonder why the heck I have both.
3. Pinterest. Need I say more. created some boards, organized my boards. wasted a lot of time indulging in others creativity.
4. blog. ;)
5. read. Studied the book of James. Read some Ken Ham brilliance.
6. Wrote thank you notes, realized my handwriting is just awful
7. One Tree Hill Marathon..sad, but true. don't judge.
8. Caught up on a documentary about sex slavery in America. ugh. Donate to Love146 now people!
9. happy im not a perfectionist or my house and it's slight disarray would have driven me crazy.
10. Colored. I'm awesome at coloring.
11. slept- kinda.
12. Played Mario Cart while the kids were at school. shhhh.
13. caught up on emails. bookings and actually organized groups in my email list. yup.
14. imovie home videos all caught up.
15. the couch cushion is forever formed to my body contour. :)

Day 5- i think there is life. here's hoping!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

inspire me plz?

Why is it that some days you feel like there are so many ideas you basically trip over yourself running in all sorts of creative directions and then other days you sit staring at blank canvas...and all you see is blank canvas?
It's odd how sometimes the simplest thing can inspire a infinite number of ideas and then...ya got nothing.
Last night I slept all of three stinkin' sick I can barely see to type this. BUT, I'm also bored with not enough energy to do much more than blog ...haha.  I had lots of time to think tho..I mean, when your sick and your brain won't shut COULD watch Dirty Dancing Havana Nights at 1:30 a.m. and think matter how much one likes dancing...that movie is just awful....or think of ways to be better in what you love and in the way you love :) The latter being MUCH more rewarding.
 I have had some time to let ideas sink in and perhaps be inspired...while blowing my nose and dreaming of a the kung fu panda like pressure sitting on mah face....leaving me be.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

oh the places you will go...

who knows what could happen in a year. I mean it's a long time, but it's a short time. We always say..where did time go....that happened so fast..... (unless ur doing laundry...or third grade math homework).

Investment. That's the word for this year. Investing in those around me. I try to do that anyway, but perhaps with more purpose this year. Nothing replaces memories with friends and family. Nothing. Not even a super clean, spotless, well organized's nice ;)

What do i mean by investment? i'm not really sure. Perhaps just more of an awareness, a compassion an understanding of others. Praying more intentionally, loving less inhibited, less planning, more living..i dunno... so many cliche's - so little time :)  - cue dramatic music here.

oh and by the way...I'm a bop it whiz...that's another thing about me... I hate board games. kinda. But, once I play I usually like it. However, more board games lead to more fun memories....even my small groupies can attest to some cranium expertise on my behalf.

Frankly, now I am just rambling ;)