Sunday, May 3, 2009


Ok, so in my world of P90x will become P97x...why? because of life in general. However, its day 52 and well...surviving! I allotted myself seven skip days over the 90 day period...and it looks like I will use all of my self-allowed "free days".
I also finally finished now I am allowed to watch the movie :) After that I told myself I would not start more than one book at a much for that. I have started The Lord of the Rings trilogy...which may take me the summer with all that hobbit talk. But, I'm enthralled with other people's imaginations and those books definitely portray one of the greatest imaginative minds ever!
At the same time I started reading The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks...because I told myself I just wanted to read the opening chapter....and got sucked right in I did.
Well, I'm supposed to be working for work...and I'm not doing a very good job :)
BTW - THANKS for all the recipes! I will put them to good use!promise! keep em coming.

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