Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Writing Their Stories...

Everyone complains about their job at least once or twice, myself included. However, writing for a living does have a few precious perks. Newspapers definitely set some parameters on creative writing, but there are ways to be creative and simultaneously learn some amazing stories.
I have had a few privileged opportunities to talk with people, learn their stories and than translate them to our readership. Last year I met with a woman in her nineties who, for all intensive purposes was a historian. Years of history were kept by her mother and now by her in binders and photo albums. Those albums categorized by the areas business growth, regional changes, education and social highlights. I spent hours with her and the several more hours trying to condense all I had learned into one feature piece. I also met with an elderly gentleman, who recently passed away and took who knows how many good stories with him, who had been the first bus driver for Jefferson Central School (my high school). Just this past week I had to find a story for Memorial Day and I went as far as my neighbors house. My neighbor, a former Marine is also a race car driver (does it get any better for two little boys next door to him?). However, to sit and listen to his stories you could see the love for what he does spilling over with every picture he showed me, every album and every story.
From just those three interviews I developed a new appreciation for racing cars, a love for the simple farming life of a school bus driver and a recognition of the history that came before me.
I can only encourage anyone to take the time to look at the people in their lives and learn their stories. It's enrichment is priceless and their stories survive the more they are retold. So, even though I MAY complain about my job, it has opened the doors to so many people and the stories within them that I may have never known. Even better, I get to write their stories down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post. You have a unique job and have found a way to make it creative. We should all appreciate what has come before us...glad ya do!