Thursday, June 4, 2009

My First Photographing Injury

You know...I thought perhaps once high school and college sports were through, I MIGHT escape serious athletic induced injuries. I figured I had served my time with an ACL tear in high school and then another one during my sophomore soccer season at college, throw in a rolled ankle and a few shin splints...and I should be all set. But, somehow I just couldn't avoid getting hurt while PHOTOGRAPHING a championship title game tonight. There were hundreds of people there, but I somehow was the ONLY one that managed to get hit with the baseball. A long hard throw to the first baseman...did not quite make it to the first baseman. I was flipping through the pictures I had already taken...when BAM...Mr. Baseball met my shin. Now I could have acted like it didn't hurt and just move out of the way, but with the swelling and grotesque bruising that followed, that was not an option or I could have just burst out in tears which was the more likely option. However, I did neither and just kind of stepped back and tried not to make a scene. But THAT sucker hurt! Five photographers lined the first baseline...but the ball hit ME. I don't even have a cool injury story - like I scored the winning goal, made the lay up or SOMETHING better than.."so I was photographing this game."
Oh well.


Josh Lloyd said...

Ah, whatever, still a cool story. At least you didn't just trip while walking in a straight line.

Amber J said...

haha - well, that could happen too :p unfortunately....