Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Love You!

The hand sign for I love you has become a regular sign in our family. No, none of us need sign language to communicate, but we use it. It started after Joshua's accident when we DID need some sign language to communicate. My mom began signing to him "I love you" so he could visually understand what we were saying and eventually he was able to sign it back.
However, now its something my mom has taught my boys and now that my three-year-old has the hang of it, he uses it all of the time. Both boys sign when I drive away to go somewhere and they both sign it before they fall asleep at night. Yes, we SAY I love you as well, but something so cute about those little fingers trying to get into place to sign it. It's become more widespread as I use it with some close friends and definitley the fam! It's so simple, but yesterday I realized how something so little means so much to me! So, thanks mom! Three fingers and they say so much!


Anonymous said...

Those little fingers are so precious as you drive away.....I love you! mom

the Jeffr said...

haha, yup. that's a familar scene--chubby little fingers carefully formed and proudly held aloft as the car rolls away. Priceless :D

Anonymous said...

awww that cute. Must make ya smile!!!