Saturday, February 14, 2009

Facebooking For Your Health

A gazillion people have found the enjoyment, amusement and slight addiction of Facebook. It IS a phenomenon that has swept the world and people of every age have been attracted to the cyber social network.
Every person has their own reason for liking to be on Facebook especially when you are flipping around and then (GASP) you see someone’s name and your like “HEY! I KNOW them! I’ve been wondering where they have been!” Quickly, the world has gotten a lot smaller.
I say Facebooking for your health because despite the addicting effect of spending perhaps too much time in cyber-world I think for many people its healthy to get in touch with friends and family they otherwise don’t really see.
For example, I remember talking to a couple of moms whose kids have grown (including my own) who felt very isolated as stay-at-home moms in the days of newborns and toddlers. Just recently one of my friends posted here Facebook status as saying “It’s 4a.m. and I’m awake with my baby!” . Following her status were several comments acknowledging her weary state as a new mom. It may seem like a small thing, but I know it totally boosted her attitude to have other people know her frustration and say something.
In addition, my friend Lacey and I actually talked on the phone a little while ago. We both agreed that a phone conversation was a phenomenon when children, work and life tend to take over just about every minute of the day. We both laughed and completely agreed on two things. Sometimes when we have a moment of solidarity in our day, the last thing we feel like doing is picking up the phone and trying to catch up with everyone. We love our friends and each other dearly! But, the peace and quiet a few moments sometimes outweighs every other options.
So, we talked for a little while and concluded our conversation by saying “I love you! See you on facebook!” (we both laughed, but it was true!) It’s a perfectly passive way to remain in touch with so many people that have come in and out of your life. Family pictures, daily “status messages” and “wall posts” all give us a glimpse into each other lives without a lot of time and effort and at your own pace.
So, especially for the moms who have decided to stay home with their babies or the ones who have taken on the role of working and being a mom, I think Facebook seriously allows a healthy dose of communication. I say that only because it seems to be a consistent issue with moms (especially social ones), is that they lack adult conversation or at least knowing what is going on the world beyond diapers, feedings and toddler fiascoes  We post our children’s insane behavior and our own insane moments and realize that other people have had the same or near same experiences. That connection is priceless at times when isolation can take over and leave some people feeling depressed or frustrated.
People like knowing about people. Feature stories in my newspaper sell more because people enjoy reading about other people. God made us to be social creatures, even the introverted and quiet personalities still enjoy a few close friends. So, despite the there are probably employers everywhere trying to figure out how to block Facebook at the work place, I think the whole idea is kind of profound.
Plus, does it get any better when your friend posts that they are taking a hip-hop class and will be mistaken for Brittany Spears! (Sorry Cheryl). Mistaken for her moves that is…nothing else about sweet Cheryl is Brittany;) So happy facebooking…here’s to your health. ( hee hee). Oh and Happy V-Day..spread the love y'all ;)


Anonymous said...

You are such a great writer Amber! And too funny, I'm glad you liked my status updates :-)

I can totally relate to what you are saying, and obviously not coming from a mom's standpoint, but now with work and spending a majority of my day on the phone, sometimes I don't feel like talking when I get home. And like you said it has nothing to do with not loving your friends but it is just easier to keep up through facebook. But absolutely nothing compares to face time and I was just thinking about this the other day, how special, precious and how I will cherish the moments that I get to spend with my friends because now-a-days they are few and far in between. It seriously makes those times that much more special. '

Thanks for making me famous in your blog ;-)

Love ya and miss ya,


ckuretich said...

Oh my goodness I couldn't agree more with this. I was thinking the same thing the other day - I think like you said, especially for moms - how isolating it can be, you don't get out of the house during those times!!! So now, here you have at your fingertips, TONS of encouragement or "i've been there" statements or even on-the-dot advice! just when you need it. so true.

I love FB and I do think that though it can be addicting, it is also doing more for our generation & society to stay in touch with each other than ever before. I said to Dave the other day "How could XYZ happen without 500 billion people knowing about it instantly?" It's not like the days long ago when the gov't or media could hide something; no way, nowadays you'd have 87 friends talking about it before you even opened up Seriously. And that's a good thing, I think!!!!

I could talk about FB forever.

Amber J said...

you guys seriously make me I am thinking FB and blogging kind of go hand in hand no?

Anonymous said...

They DO go hand in hand..especially when someone comments on your blog and lets you know your blog is here's my love, love.

Maybe Tomorrow said...

ah, my sweet amber. I love to see my name on your blog - makes me feel so special!
Love you.