Thursday, February 26, 2009

Growing Old, but Gracefully :)

Ok, before anyone gets ready for some smart comments about me growing old...this AIN'T about me, so save it ;)
Anyway, I will say that recently my grandmother had knee replacement surgery and had a slightly difficult time bouncing back from it. However, despite her pain and discomfort she was more worried about being a burden to the doctors, nurses and family. Silly girl. But, that is her mind set. She has never been concerned about herself, but always concerned about the welfare of others. Even when age began to plague the ease of getting in and out of a car, grandma was still visiting friends, bring them Daily Breads, cooking dinners and ramming around to watch all of her grandchildren play sports. She's made it to just about every monumental moment in my life and that goes for the rest of her children and grandchildren and now...great grandchildren. She has made her life about other people and has shown grace, humility and a love for God that few achieve in life. Even now, while she is so sore and uncomfortable she went on and on about how sweet the nurses were and how thankful she was to have a bed by the window. So, now as age keeps creeping in, the love she has spread to others will be returned. She has children that love her and want to help her, she has great-grandchildren who want to see her and her grandchildren respect her.

What a legacy! So, if nothing else, she has shown those after her, what growing old gracefully and beautifully is all about. Her love for the Lord is evident and her love for family and friends is abundant. What a gal:)

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