Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words....

And for me...I think that's a big deal...because I can come up with a thousand words in no time;) However, spring is awesome. It's like the rebel of all the seasons. It goes against big, bad winter with its wit and warm weather seduction. Finally and eventually it takes over and winter has to slink away in humility.
In boy world, spring means mud, golf and lots of FISHING.....

lots of fish and worms and stuff.... awesome.
It's all good though, I can hang in boy world. It took my mom like 17 years to get me in a skirt outside of a church function...and that might have been prom:) haha.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Sometimes when you least expect it, something hits you ( not literally..tho that can happen too), but metaphorically speaking.  I read something today and I swore (not the bad kind) that it was written about me.  I'll be brief (maybe).  I think, like most females (and I can only give this point of view b/c I am not a guy) I compare myself to a measuring stick that really doesn't exist.  For example, this blog I read today was in regard to the personal perception that everyone else has it together and for some reason you are the only that struggles...with anything.   Of course, we know it our head that there is very little truth to that, but out hearts seem to feel differently. 
The blog continued to discuss authenticity.  How authentic am I?  Well, I don't try and deceive anyone, but I really don't jump into heart-baring conversations either. Why? Well, when I read through the article I realized I felt the same way as the author, because if I bare my heart, at some point I will have to admit I struggle, I fear an I judge.  Those are  all very unattractive admissions and they don't really go with the persona of someone who has it all together.  So, then I would have to admit...(gulp) pride.  Because, I want to have everything together (and who doesn't) and I don't want anyone to think that perhaps I struggle, or I fear or I have a bad day. 
I talked with one of my best friends from college one time about being outgoing and social, but never really sharing our "inner workings" ( I think that was the phrase we used and laughed at ).  So, I asked...am I authentic?  I want to be.. and even now I struggle to admit that perhaps i am not always genuine...because now I have to post this and then someone will be like..."Wha? She ain't real?"
So what's the payoff to being real?  Well, it's reciprocal.  If I am real with one person, that person is real back...(not always,but so far so good).  If I take down that "everything is great" smile for just a second and get real, I realize that other people are willing to share the fact that they struggle, they fear, they judge and sometimes they feel alone in those admissions...ah.....so everyone MAY NOT have it as together as I think they do...we all may be on a different page, but I think we are in the same book.
Another payoff...it's not all "misery Loves company", but once you get to the point of sharing what is real, then when you are truly happy...that can shine through too....no fake smile included.  This is a work in progress for me.  I just highlighted half of this to delete it:)  But decided to post as is. (gulp)
Now just for clarification...I am not about to run around and discuss touchy-feely subjects over every cup of coffee, but with certain friends and family it is ok to peel off the "yup I got it all together" look and admit... "I didn't make the bed this morning."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's just random

No one ever mentioned what to do when you try the 90-day-work-out from.... well, you know. What happens when you work entire day at the state championship basketball tournament, attend birthday parties and then get smacked in the head with an awesome dripping, pounding, nasty head cold? Tony didn't say it was ok to skip a day, however, despite my rigorous and unbending willingness to even THINK about skipping a day, I relented on Friday and then again today. So, I am two days slightly behind, but I'll regroup and start again..I hope...:)
I also have to ask - why is it that when you put your mind to something (such as starting an awesome workout) that it is at that moment in time someone decides to make you a fantastic oreo pie!!!! or...you get invited to dinner...like more than usual...and you can't NOT eat what they made...t'would be rude. It's all good..not about to give up the scrumptious food...sorry Tony.

On another note, March Madness, is just that...madness. I am not a march madness guru, but I know A LOT..I could hold my own at the water cooler...(does anyone really talk at a water cooler anyway?)

Also, check out the Trumbo Blog. They are friends from Liberty and related to my dear friends Lacey and Ryan. Currently, Jared and Chyloe are in China with their two lil men and have started doing some great work over there. Keep them in your prayers :) S'all I can say about that!

Ok, I have to go blow my nose for the 100 millionth time....(awesome). See. Look at all my organized thoughts....I know...it's all just random.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I relish a good quote....

Be it happy, sad, inspirational or totally random...if it's a quotable quote, chances are, I'll remember it.
Here are just a few I really like and some just made me laugh. Don't be suprised if I quoted you on here. The first few are quotes are slightly more in depth than the last few, but its the best of both worlds . I will probably add more as they come to mind. So, read or don't. :)

Be shocking, be daring, be bold, be passionate."- Jane Porter

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails...explore...dream....discover. - Mark Twain

“To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself.- Anne Rice

“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas Edison

There is no agony like having an untold story inside you.” - Zora Neale Hurston

When asked, 'How do you write?'
I invariably answer, 'one word at a time.'” - Stephen King

“The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking.” – Mia Hamm

“"You may get skinned knees and elbows, but it's worth it if you score a spectacular goal." - Mia Hamm”

always turn to the sports section first. The sports page records people's accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man's failures. ~Earl Warren

"I would watch the superbowl, but I don't really like soccer" - Dan Simeon

"I think mums are stupid," Denise Goyette.

"You might be a heck of nice guy at chicken bbq, but you're sure not much of an official," Pete Palen.

" Those who can: do - those who can't do: teach - those who can't teach: teach Phys. Ed" - Mark Truesdell.

"That's two hours of your life you'll never get back," Justin Hamm after working with Gregg on unplugging a bathroom drain.

"have been eating out way too much the past couple of weeks...not good for the cash flow or the badonkadonk!" - Cheryl Handwerker

"What are you reading? You have a stupid look on your face." Gregg Johns as I was reading an email.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's all About the kids....and some people I admire

So, I have a major pet peeve :)  surprised? I didn't think so.  That pet peeve would be obnoxious parents at high school sports activities.  I get to see all kinds and seriously I should get a raise for just being subject to it on a near daily basis. 
Nothing I say will ever cure the epidemic of adults who do not know how to handle the emotional upheaval that sports sometimes offer.  There is a definitive line between being passionately supportive and screaming out ridiculous statements that half of the time make no sense whatsoever. Ok, well I could expound exponentially on that entire concept, but I won't...because frankly it won't change a thing.  It's just bothersome when adults get so critical of high school athletes...seriously - I challenge half of them to get off their tushies and do a better job.  No kid goes out to play a sport and intentionally tries to make a mistake.  One of my camp directors used to tell us (coaches) while were working the camps, "it's all about the kids".  No matter what they brought, it was our job to make sure the kids were taught well, coached well and walked away with more knowledge of the game then when they came.  I say that for everyone involved in sports....it's all about the kids.

Totally not connected:
When someone asks me about people I admire, there five specific people that come to mind.  I won't ambush you and write out your names, but I think you'll know who you are.  These people find a way to make the most of the most challenges situations.  They find a way to smile and they look beyond their circumstances and find perspective.   No matter what the day brings, they BA-RING it right back and find a way to put one foot in front of the other until they are off and running again.  It's amazing what a little faith and a little smile can do and these very people have allowed me to internalize what perspective really means.  
I would have to say they all use the same common ingredients in their recipe for life: prayer, faith, friends and a love for the good stuff in life - whatever that might be for them.  Oh, and they all know how to laugh and not for nothing, they all know how to make me laugh. 
So, I can only count myself extremely blessed to have these treasures as part of my life :)

So...not even connected again :
Here's my 7-day update on P90x........ No? hee hee

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I promise this won't be a daily groaning about the new work out I'm on...but even if it is....you don't have to read it :P But, this morning my three-year-old had to practically drag me out of bed. Every muscle in my upper body is screaming for relief. Today is supposed to be a plyometrics days which seems slightly more tame than what I did yesterday. It's probably not, but if I tell myself it won't be so bad...I might actually do it.
My dear friend Stacey sent me a "go get em Tiger" yesterday - so I'm thinking I might have to pump out a little "Eye of the Tiger" to find the gumption to do this all over again.
In other news....um there is no other news...I'm too sore to care :)

Update: plyometrics defined = a slow and methodical way to torture yourself.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

P90X and I might Die...

So today is the day. Wednesday, March 4 2009.... I will start the 90-day P90X extreme workout. I am posting it so its no secret...I'm gonna get this sucker done. I keep telling myself it won't be too bad, I mean, I workout...I'm relatively fit...how hard can this be? But, the man that points his finger at me on the introduction video, he kinda scares me. I am slightly fearful he will make Jillian from the Biggest Loser look like a peach.
However, 90 days should bring us to summer-like weather (if it doesn't, I'm outta here! ...don't worry mom - I'll bring you and dad too) however, summer clothes should be enough incentive to keep at this for 90 days right?
I needed some sort of change in my workout routine as I am getting BORED...I blame it partly on the weather, but still no more excuses! (That sounded pretty determined huh?) My self-talk will have to persevere here, I told myself...if I can make it through pre-season at college...this shouldn't be THAT big a deal..right? right. Also, the man in the video can't ACTUALLY see me, so if I collapse and die or start to cry...it's not like he's gonna cut me from his team :P
So, I'm gonna do the first workout today, if I survive I will let you know. If not, I didn't go down without a fight :D

UPDATE at 4:15p.m. -well I didn't die. Seriously tho, I am not sure I can lift my arms above my head right now. This guy makes any Tae Bo series look like a walk in the park. However, I was looking for something more challenging and I just found it! I had to laugh because you get these log sheets to keep track of your pace and diet..blah, blah blah,..the kicker is to take a before photo of your body, a in-the-middle photo and an after photo...(I'll be sure to post those :P HAHAHAHA!) anyway, it gets more intense as the weeks progress and I am hoping I can keep on track with it. I even curtailed it so that rest days come on Tuesdays, which is my deadline day at the paper. So, Day 1...done....only 89 more to go....I still might die.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Texting vs. Toddlers

Talking on a cell phone while driving is illegal here in good ol' New York and now certain towns and counties are passing the law that texting while driving will carry a $150 fine. I can somewhat understand that, I am a horrible texter/driver...you could probably spot me a mile away, so I don't do it....much.
The law-maker people say that texting requires too much time with your eyes off the road, too much brain power (more so than talking on a phone apparently) and takes a hand off the wheel. To all of this great reasoning...I am wondering....has anyone driven around with a toddler (or two) in the back seat? If you want to talk about distractions: how many times eyes are off the road to see where the favorite toy dropped between the seats? How much brain power is being squelched as you reason with two children arguing in the back seat or how many times hands are off the wheel as you try to pass back the third snack of the trip:) Now, don't get me wrong, I am not making a case for it to be illegal to drive with children (haha) I am merely saying, that texting and cell phone calls (though distracting) are substantially less distracting then small, human beings strapped into the middle or for some...third seats. I can't really see them passing a law that says "No driving with children under three", but comparatively speaking.....
If were gonna get strict with driving laws I would just rather see them get down and dirty with the DWIers of the world.
Happy Tuesday y'all.