Friday, July 17, 2009

I laughed at this quote

At dinner with a friend.... and they said.....
"I don't do facebook, I don't have my space and well, I don't even know what twitter is." Ah... good to know that there are a few people holding out to the bitter end on the social networking band-wagon. Hold strong! Don't give in! We don't know want to know your status updates anyway!!!


ckuretich said...

HeeeeeeLARIOUS!!! i mean come on. I hear people say that too. Do they want a prize? I don't care if you do it or not!! But don't look down your nose at those of us that do! It's not a requirement but don't knock it til you try it, right :)

Amber J said...

hahaha - I know...Gregg is holding out too.. I think it will backfire someday..cuz...eventually EVERYONE will have facebook and twitter and those that don't will be a severe minority..thus propelling them into instant fame as to WHY...THEN everyone will know them anyway and their faces will be plastered everywhere as the ONLY ones who DON"T have facebook :) see how that will work ???