Monday, March 22, 2010

*giggle giggle*

You know those moments that are supposed to be really serious...but something strikes you funny..and you are doing all you can do to NOT laugh? I know, it's awful...but for some reason it happens to me...lots. Everyone around seems locked in, serious, totally lost in the moment - but my mind is circling in a realm where seriousness was lost a few steps back and tears for the moment are replaced by the staunch face of one trying not to giggle.
Yup. That's me, but at least someone else admitted to me they did the same thing, so I had to breathe a sigh of slight relief that I had not completely lost my mind. I have to be vague in order to protect the innocent (and slightly more serious) parties in this story.
However, it has happened more than once. Church. School. Serious Conversation. Funerals ( I know). Weddings. You name it. I seem to have an issue here. Perhaps, I have a deep rooted problem with getting personal and I replace it with a giggle fit ;) haha. I have no idea. Dr. Phil here I come.
The only problem is, when I look back at the moment...I still find it funny.


Anonymous said...

hee hee..awesome.. i have NO idea what you are talking about ;)

Anonymous said...

partner in crime here, it was a relief to know that I wasn't the only one also!!!!! I bet there were more and we just didn't know it!

Amber J said...

HAHAHAHA! I think maybe you are right ;) "anonymous"