Wednesday, March 3, 2010

You Never Know...

One of my best friends from college posted a status message on facebook that read "Be nice to everyone you meet, they are fighting a battle you know nothing about." I could probably stop my post right there and leave everyone who reads it to ponder those words. Her post affected a lot of people because it triggers a slight guilt to wash over least it did me.
How many times have I been impatient with the cashier at the store? the slow driver in front of me? the obnoxious kid? the mopey adult? the stubborn friend? I am sure I could go on.
For me its a progressive idea. I love to watch people, but watching people with that phrase stampeding through my thoughts gives a whole new dimension to the art of watching people.
I should know better:
For example. After my brother's accident a few years ago - he was in Illinois, I was home in NY trying to put one foot in front of the other - waiting for the news of my brother. Would he live? Not sure. I got through each day, by the grace of God. In line at the store, with my five month old baby - my phone rang. My dad was on the other end. I stopped loading groceries and listened. The cashier was obviously annoyed and people behind me were impatient. But every phone call brought news of my brother. My dad had called to let me know Josh had opened his eyes... a monumental thing in light of his coma.
I finished the phone call quickly and the tears brimming my eyes - and mumbled an apology and I remember thinking..."if only they knew the battle I was fighting".
So, today. be nice to everyone you meet...... :)


Anonymous said...

"Just breathe" has gotten me through so many of "those" said it so well!!

lovin' you

Jill Kemerer said...

I agree with you, and thanks for the reminder. On good days, I'm patient, but on bad days, I hop on my high horse. Bad!

Unknown said...

thanks jill :) I think we ALL are like that! myself absolutely included!

Anonymous said...

ooo. this makes one think huh? I am terribly impatient, not a good thing. I sometimes wonder WHY people can't just MOVE faster...never thought maybe they are just trudging through some deep water :( thx.

cd said...

Thanks for the reminder...

Anonymous said...

As always you say the deeeeeepest things. So true and then some.ed