I have once again started more than one book, but I think its a habit I will never change. I DID read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks in three days. I can't help it. Even though his stories are usually predictable there is something that just sucks you right in...well at least me...and I don't stand a chance.
However, I am also reading Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. It is a whole new type of love story. A real one. A Godly one. I picked it up at the conference I went to a few weeks ago. I saw right through what they were trying to do...they gave us "breaks" throughout the day to browse the book store. Yup. Turn me loose for breaks in a book store like I am not, at some point, going to BUY one. Maybe it was because the cover was red and I like that color, or I liked the title, or something. But out of the hundreds of books I picked this one - I had never heard of nor had I ever heard for the author. There is One who is inlove with us, but....are we inlove with Him? Get the book. or you can borrow it....
Ok, and yes I am reading The Note. However, a trip to the beach in a little while...I might be able to knock off one or two more...hee hee.
We'll see! Any more book suggestions? I want em.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
My heart broke a little...in a good way.

I am currently working on a feature piece regarding an annual trip World War II veterans from our county venture on every spring. It's called the honor flight, a trip that is organized by various regional hubs to escort veterans to the WWII memorial in Washington D.C.
So today, I spent an hour on the phone interviewing two wonderful men from the war. The textbook information lifted off the history books and began to breathe with real memories as these men told their story. Their voices were shaky, but their minds were sharp. I had to speak slowly, but even better...I had to listen slowly. My heart broke just a little as they spoke patiently, articulately and passionately about their voyage. They all know that their bit of history is falling further away as 1,000 veterans pass away every day! Their stories, well, they pass too unless we capture them. I had that moment today. I captured two. I am not sure I am done. After a few minutes with these men I felt like I had been touched by something precious, it can't be explained. There were tears in my eyes ( not exactly a hard core reporter.) But I didn't want to be. These men had traveled the world, sacrificed so much and here they were thanking me profusely for working on an article (humbling).
I aim to deliver their articles personally, at least I would like to. I want to shake their hand ( eh, I know me..I'll hug em).
I'll post the article once it is published. I won't do it justice. But, I'll try.
A quote from one that I am sure to use:
"I hope future generations see this memorial," he said. "Freedom was not free. It had to be paid for."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
same guy - two songs
I think its funny - how one singer (Jaron..who is growing on me) can write this song (I may giggle when I hear it) Pray For You (which actually, I think has a nice melody) and this one Beautiful To Me... the video isn't that great...but the words...yup :) I like.... lots. Same guy-two slightly different songs.
BTW - thanks for those who asked. The photo shoot yesterday went better than I thought it would! I would have never been able to shoot it indoors, so thank the Lord it stopped raining. The overcast skies were perfect and the house was located in an older part of the main street - so some nice backgrounds and impromptu set ups. Crazy! but...fun ;) I'll post once I get permission to do so!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Shootin' on the Fly!
Ok, nothing like a panicked mother asking you to shoot her son's senior portraits ASAP. Could I come to the house? um sure. Could I do it between baseball practice and after school ( 45 minutes) Um. ok. Could I please bring a background...what?
Ok, so I agree- only because hopefully it will be PR...but I am kinda walking into this photo shoot completely blind. It's rainy - so the chances of outside shots are slim, I have no idea what their house is like...so lighting will be an impromptu deal...hmmm.
Kinda wish I could stick me a little Joe McNally in my back pocket right about now.
Wish me luck!
Monday, March 22, 2010
*giggle giggle*
You know those moments that are supposed to be really serious...but something strikes you funny..and you are doing all you can do to NOT laugh? I know, it's awful...but for some reason it happens to me...lots. Everyone around seems locked in, serious, totally lost in the moment - but my mind is circling in a realm where seriousness was lost a few steps back and tears for the moment are replaced by the staunch face of one trying not to giggle.
Yup. That's me, but at least someone else admitted to me they did the same thing, so I had to breathe a sigh of slight relief that I had not completely lost my mind. I have to be vague in order to protect the innocent (and slightly more serious) parties in this story.
However, it has happened more than once. Church. School. Serious Conversation. Funerals ( I know). Weddings. You name it. I seem to have an issue here. Perhaps, I have a deep rooted problem with getting personal and I replace it with a giggle fit ;) haha. I have no idea. Dr. Phil here I come.
The only problem is, when I look back at the moment...I still find it funny.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Award? me? wha??
If you haven't checked out her blog yet. You should. Jill Kemerer is an published author in the making. You'll see her at some point when you are grazing through inspirational books at your favorite bookstore, until that day, you can follow her journey to being published (and she will be). So many people have the desire to be a writer and rightfully so, they are good at it. Very few have the gumption, grit and determination to really dig in and get it done. The non-sexy side of writing I guess you could say. For those that do stick with it, it is quite a journey to endure. Jill is one of them and she is connected to a number of others that I think can really open your eyes to the world of writers and publishers and all that falls in between.
So...it had to make me smile when I was on her blog and saw this award for me, from her. I had to follow the rules;) and post it. So, thanks Jill for that little bit of sunshine! Now...I feel like I should write something creative. :)
Never-the-less. Thanks for the award. :)
So...it had to make me smile when I was on her blog and saw this award for me, from her. I had to follow the rules;) and post it. So, thanks Jill for that little bit of sunshine! Now...I feel like I should write something creative. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tragedy and Triumph in Loudonville
I spent the day in Loudonville listening to Evelyn Husband Thompson speak. I will probably expand on it in detail at some point. BUT if you have some "google" time read some stories about her. A woman, a mother, a widow, a wife with a love for Jesus that is REAL. Yes, real, not the kind you just talk about, sing about or even read about...the one you LIVE about. She was the wife of the Col. Rick Husband who died when the space shuttle Columbia failed to land about seven years ago. She and her children stood waiting to welcome him home, but he never came... he went to a different home..
I will, I am sure at some point talk about her more. For now...I'm tired and I have to set the clocks ahead - lose that hour of sleep...BUT -gain a lil more sunshine!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
here we go...
With a little help...I finally decided on this concept for a business card for what will hopefully become a nice photography jump for me. My site is gaining ground and this was the next thing on my "to do" list. I have to admit..I am excited and nervous, BUT thanks to some very dear people who have been a fantastic encouragement to me... it's a step in the a direction I want to go. So! With some deep breaths, a prayer for God's will and some beautiful eyes (my cousin's daughter)...here we go!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Get Out Of Jail Free...
I wasn't going to post this..but I can't resist.
So...this is a hypothetical story...of course.
On the way home from school yesterday, Gregg MAY have gotten pulled over by a cop after he MAY have picked up Andrew from the elementary school.
The cop MIGHT have seen him swerve when he tried to pull his cell out of his pocket and place it in his cup holder. IF the cop did stop Gregg, it MIGHT have just upset Andrew enough that he started crying in the back seat.
The cop MIGHT have seen Andrew with tears in his eyes crying: "Please don't arrest my dad."
If this were a real story - I would say having a crying child in the back begging for their father's freedom from jail is possibly a very effective technique.
No ticket issued.
The end.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
You Never Know...
One of my best friends from college posted a status message on facebook that read "Be nice to everyone you meet, they are fighting a battle you know nothing about." I could probably stop my post right there and leave everyone who reads it to ponder those words. Her post affected a lot of people because it triggers a slight guilt to wash over you...at least it did me.
How many times have I been impatient with the cashier at the store? the slow driver in front of me? the obnoxious kid? the mopey adult? the stubborn friend? I am sure I could go on.
For me its a progressive idea. I love to watch people, but watching people with that phrase stampeding through my thoughts gives a whole new dimension to the art of watching people.
I should know better:
For example. After my brother's accident a few years ago - he was in Illinois, I was home in NY trying to put one foot in front of the other - waiting for the news of my brother. Would he live? Not sure. I got through each day, by the grace of God. In line at the store, with my five month old baby - my phone rang. My dad was on the other end. I stopped loading groceries and listened. The cashier was obviously annoyed and people behind me were impatient. But every phone call brought news of my brother. My dad had called to let me know Josh had opened his eyes... a monumental thing in light of his coma.
I finished the phone call quickly and the tears brimming my eyes - and mumbled an apology and I remember thinking..."if only they knew the battle I was fighting".
So, today. be nice to everyone you meet...... :)
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