Friday, January 30, 2009

My Answers

I was slightly afraid of this... many of you wonderful people have emailed me asking what some of my answers were to Andrews questions on my previous post "Questions and Car Rides" that I will oblige.
So, forigve my imperfect parenting and perhaps off-the-cuff but genuine answers. Perhaps I need to be better prepared to "always give an answer"; however while my mind was racing toward my deadline at work, Andrew's mind was reeling on a completely different level. I will try to be brief, though some of the answers were slightly more'll get the idea.

In an answer to "where are the upside down people?"(in regard to if the earth is round...) We had a slight discussion on what gravity is...he seemed to get that. I racked my brain and tried to picture my fifth grade science book, but seriously my answer was less than stellar...seriously..why aren't we upside down? haha. Anyway, I did seem to satisfy his question with gravity keeping us grounded and while the earth turns we are kept from turning upside down...could you imagine if we did have to spend a certain part of our day everyday upside down?

As to where God's mom and dad are we had to get a little deep with that one. I tried my best to explain God's eternal state. No beginning and no end. That is hard enough for me to wrap my head around and even more difficult to put on Andrew's level. Our faith has to carry us past the point of not being able to quite understanding EVERYTHING.

If God loves everyone...why doesn't everyone love God? That question was the biggest one of all. Simply put: we are given the choice. We can choose to love or to not love. You know the next question was...Why would anyone not love God? My answer was simply because its a choice. No one is forced to love Him. He desires our love, he created us to love Him, but he also gave us all the choice to do our own thing. He didn't make us robots (a slight giggle from AMJ on that one) There was a long silence.

God didn't get burned by the sun when he made it because he simply spoke it. He didn't have to touch it. It's called a miracle. (response) "I like miracles, they are cool."

What does our soul look like? I shake my head...what does it look like? Great question. We briefly discussed what is inside that makes us who we are. What makes Andrew, Andrew and that its our soul that is forever. We went over going heaven and our eternal bodies...and he seemed to take it all in. I so wonder what was running through his little mind.

Do we get wings if we ask nicely? Hmmm, well when you get to heaven ask God and see what he says. (response) "I'll make sure I say please."

Can God see us through the roof? Yup, you can't hide from God. He see us...even under our blankets. We will see heaven someday, just not right now.

Why didn't God answer my question to make it stop snowing: When we ask God to answer our prayers...he always hears us...he just doesn't always answer them the way we WANT him too. His plans are ultimately better than our own.

How did Jesus get up on the cross: Like I said, not everyone loved Jesus and what he stood for. Some very angry men did that, but despite how mean they were, Jesus still loved them. (response) "That still wasn't very nice"
No. It wasn't.

I am thinking that the "Where do babies come from" question is looking a WHOLE lot easier to answer....


Anonymous said...

Way to go MOM.I'll buy that.Even I understood. Keep up the great job but seriously let Greg have his chance with the birds/

Unknown said...

oooh good idea! Except somehow THOSE questions always come up when I am by MYSELF with the kiddos...figures!
THX Tho :)

Anonymous said...

Better than I would - those questions are hard!