Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost Goodbye in 2009!

It's almost here! 2009 is ALMOST done with...can hardly believe it...but I think I say that every year. A year seems like such a length of time, but when it's over with, it seems to have gone so fast.
Bringing on a New Year always seems exciting, unplanned and dotted with a little trepidation of what is unknown. However, looking back over the year I realize I reflect mostly on the people i know and love more so than the events that have taken place. It's probably because that is where I tend to place my value, I tend to measure a day or week by the people the Lord has placed in my life.
I realize people come and go, but they all have been in my life for a reason and a time. Some people I may not welcome with open arms but they teach me patience or perhaps refine my character or even better yet, display a reflection of my less than stellar traits.
Sweeter, are the friends and family that have intercepted life through its journey. I am forever grateful for my family, they are a steady foundation I build on every day and I am not sure what I would do without them.
Circumstances and the undulation of life itself often change who is woven into my life. There are friends that reside far away and it's unknown when or where I will ever see them again, but they know (or at least they better) the very special place they have formed in my heart. They had their time and place in my life and shaped and molded me in a way that they may never even know. Their season was sweet and though the sun as set on our time as friends who live together or see each other on a daily basis, they are just as important now as before.
People have entered my life throughout the past few years and even just this past year that find a way into my heart, affect my life and give me lessons to learn. Some, I have known for years, some for a few months and others I have yet to meet :) So, for me, it's a journey with those around me. Even now, there are some people I feel I have known for what seems like forever, but as relationships grow and change, it's as if I have rediscovered them in a way I did not know before. I have to ask myself how I missed that all before, because now that I know what I do, it seems to have enriched me further and I love them more for it.
So, I embrace the New Year as another journey and thankfully it's a journey with family and friends who will teach me, grow me, sharpen me and enrich me and I can only hope I do the same for them.
To top it off, as I was flipping through some creative writing pieces of a few writers, I saw this:

A season of friendship
owes no responsibility to time

A friend may be forever
but it's intimacy may only last for a summer

A friend's embrace
may last only to keep out a winter's chill

Their laughter may only quell
in springs unveiling moments

There is a time to hold on
There is a time to let go

A friends moment in life may
unravel for years
sweeten life for only a season

Neither is sweeter
neither is deeper

But each shines brighter
in its season of time

My time was then,
your time is now

hold dear my friend
if it's time to go

Hold tighter my friend
if our season is now

enjoy the journey :) See ya in the New Year!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

To Letter or Not To Letter, To Sweater or not to Sweater....

I DID do Christmas cards this year, but only to a select few. This is not to cause an issue-but most of the cards were sent to family and friends that I do not see very often or for some reason or another DON'T have facebook. I did not do "the letter" . I did not write a "newsletter" though I have nothing against people who do. I say, if you want to write a Christmas letter, you go for it. If people don't want to read them, then well, that's up to them.
Of course, it's a running debate with my mom and I about the propriety of the Christmas here is where my opinion begins to slide... maybe it's not within the Christmas spirit...but I DO giggle when the classic Christmas sweater busts out of the closet after a year of being suffocated by summer's tank tops and spring and falls various fashions. December is the month for three dimensional snowmen, penguins with santa hats and Christmas trees that light up to be plastered on the front and back of otherwise cute sweaters. Hey, now don't take offense, if you can work the Christmas sweater, all the power to you. I mean if your five, it's cute. If you are 65 - even cuter.... ;) All of you in betweeners....hmmmm.
I say all this to say....I got ONE gift at a ladies exchange at my can guess what it was...and yes - OF COURSE I will post a picture. soon.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And We Declared It was GOOD!!!

I like to bake, I cook because it is a necessity. I don't mind fixing meals for friends and family, it does get quite silly that my family needs dinner EVERY night!! what! Sometimes bagel sandwiches constitute dinner and mac 'n cheese is always a big hit, however...this past weekend...something amazing happened. My kitchen was a Food Network special. This is only in part thanks to my friend Kristin. She was over and as Food Network fan she was watching the show when a recipe appeared that looked like fun! to the store we went, bought the ingredients and embarked upon a food-type adventure that was named Penne with Shrimp and Herb Cream Sauce.
The Christmas Cookies had to get done first...
THEN...onto the good stuff
Yup, we were very happy with ourselves...seriously - it was soooo yummy
Genius in the making....
to top off a perfectly good meal....we made homemade peppermint mochas...thanks to a strbx recipe!
Oh..yup...this was how it all began...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ornament Coolness

It all happened so suddenly- sitting here one Sunday night - in the blink of an eye- I realized Andrew needed a homemade ornament for school- so what to my wondering eyes did appear- ....absolutely nothing.

I had to think. I tried the old-school snowflake cutting out of folded pieces of paper and that poor snowflake was just tragic. I had to do a LITTLE better than that. So after wondering around the house with a dazed look upon my face...I resorted to Mr. Google. And we found a way to make a homemade ornament that Andrew thought was "cool"... awesome.
A tractor made from gum, kisses, lifesavers and a Krackle bar all held together with a lil hot glue.
It's fun - you should try it :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We have no idea what God protects us from throughout our day. We can only be assured that His divine intervention is always at work, sometimes it goes unseen and we ignorantly cruise through our day. At other times, such as yesterday, He lets us know He is watching.
Gregg's truck had to go in for inspection yesterday morning, so he took off like normal down our mountain side hill and dropped it off. No big deal...until.. the mechanic at the garage started up the truck and pulled it into the garage only to have the very next touch on the breaks reveal, the breaks didn't work...something went ( don't ask me what...). However, they almost drove the truck through the garage wall.
As I listened to what had happened, my stomach sank as I thought of Gregg and Andrew driving to school and the breaks going..unhappy, sad, sickening thoughts all the way around. The fact that the breaks went on the very next touch, made me wonder...the horrible..."what if?"
ugh. no. didn't go there very long.
If you have never read "This Present Darkness" or "This Piercing Darkness" I highly recommend them. In moments like yesterday, I sometimes picture an angel riding underneath the truck holding everything together until the boys were safe and sound.
Those books are written from a very unique perspective and I have debated about reading them again....if I didn't have a bazillion other " i wanna read" books sitting here. Maybe soon!
But, anyway yesterday may have been a HUGE reminder...that our days are precarious at best as we drive full throttle through each hour with rarely a second thought as to what is going on around us, but perhaps His angels are there, keeping the breaks in tact for when we decide to stop for a moment and breathe.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

To love or to completely despise....

Stephanie Meyer. Yup, say the name and MOST everyone knows she is the author of the ever-popular Twilight series. My title simply stems from the idea that any wanna be writer, novelist or even journalist that aspires one day to be a published author must love/despise Meyer at the same time. WHY? She simply went on and broke just about every rule in the writing industry. I say that because I follow a few writers on their journey to getting published and the work they invest is daunting at times to read about. However, in the end, I know they will get published and I will be one of the first to buy!
Most writers spend years honing a craft. They have gone to college for it, they have invested in short story and essay competitions, they have designed professional writing blogs, attended conferences, struggled with a bazillion rejections and truly are a "starving artist" waiting to reap the benefits of an agent recognizing their talent.
If you take a moment to read through Meyer's journey- it took all of two years for her to go from scratching down a dream she had - to a published story. She wasn't a writer by trade, she was an avid reader. She had never really written even a short story before, her book was "too long" by industry standards and she didn't even follow the would be "traditional myths" of vampires. She faced all of nine rejections before an agent took her under her wing. Her marketing scheme was modest at best and then...boom.
She went from completely unknown to a world-wide phenomenon. It's not like she got published and was excited to see her book in a local bookstore. It's not like she broke out the champagne when her book hit the best-seller list for a week or two...nope....she went world wide, sellings millions of copies and became a best-selling author in rapid fashion. Then....within a year...the movie. sheesh.
So, yes, I love the fact that her creativity and dedication to a story she loved did so well...but I sometimes pictures all those writers yet unpublished sitting, staring at their laptops.... throwing invisible darts at the girl who created Edward and Bella. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A perfect grade...

So this is the first year of "real" school, where Andrew actually gets grades instead of smiley faces, his reading is evaluated and his math too. I never thought I would be a worrier about school work and even now, I wouldn't say I worry. BUT, when I met for teacher's conference last week I actually had the same feeling return - ya know- the one that would come before I had a test handed back to me and I feared for my grade...yes, I was one of those kids who cried if I received a bad grade. The desire for Andrew to do well was the might be even greater! I was just amused that I could feel that trepidation again.."Did he do well?", "Can he read as well as the other kids?" "I pray he is better at math than I was"....and on and on.

So far. so good.

In typical Andrew fashion: He brought home a spelling test and I made a big deal out of the "100" at the top of the page and the "wow" next to it. I had to explain that a "100" was the best he could do and I was proud of him. He looked at the paper and furrowed his little brow....
"What?" I asked him.
"Well," he looked at the teacher's writing again..."I just think she could have written that a little neater on my paper."

I flipped the paper over and it was the typical "100" with the swooping zero's and the wow was big and cursive like.. - nothing like how the kiddos are expected to write on their homework.
I laughed and hung the paper on the fridge anyway. Andrew's perfect handwriting on his test and well, his teacher's sub-par markings.

Only 11 and half more years.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Anyone who has been close to me this past week knows it was a week full of emotional highs and lows. The undulation in emotions can cause a million questions to arise in why we invest in other people's lives. No one is perfect and imperfections will result in disappointments. However, within those imperfections are gems. I am not sure how to describe it, but I was asked this week why in the world I would agree to coach a varsity girls soccer team. Now, for anyone who does it, you know the answers to that question. On the outside... people have to wonder why I agree to invest months into the lives of a handful of adolescent females in an arena where emotions run high, parents get involved and every decision I make is subject to public scrutiny. I can only equate it to parenting or any other job where the investment and the work is worth it for the betterment of a child.
This past week as I watched a group of young ladies close out a successful and long season, I realized what character and promise they possess. It's a brilliant and unforgettable experience to watch 17 young girls from a variety of backgrounds, an array of personalities and widely varied perspectives on life...pull together to work toward a single goal. The investment was worth it. The investment into the lives of those girls is worth every frustration and every bump along the way.
It's just one reason why I coach, but many reasons why investing in others is worth the time. Family and friends are sure to disappoint as I am sure I will disappoint others at times. However, the reciprocal blessings, I think, outweigh the disappointments. So, whether it be friends, family, athletes or my children, the investments I have made have been worth it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Could Be A Morning Person....

I could do it. I could be a morning person if every morning when I awoke I could set the clock back one hour. Would that be a problem for anyone? It just worked out great today, I felt like what morning people feel like. Breakfast, clean up, dressed and church all in a timely manner - I just needed an extra hour! Problem. fixed. I just need daylight savings time every night :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

an invention

My fantastic friend and I sat on my couch a little while ago wondering what kind of random invention we could think of that would make us instantaneously rich. Only because I thought the Snuggie was the WORST invention ever... I still hate it, but it is EVERYWHERE! I try to picture the manly men I know wearing a snuggie to one of my soccer games or a football game. Yea, it's not a good picture...but hey, apparently they are warm!
So, random inventions... like crocs, the ab twister (totally dumb btw), and yes my other friend found go-girl - I will let you click on that and find out for yourself. Though I may think these inventions are silly - they are making millions. You have to wonder about the guy who designed the first soda can or the toothpick or just about anything you use day-to-day. So, I am just waiting for my dumb invention/million idea to hit me. I still don't like the snuggie.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My dilemma

Now careful when you read this, it is sure to be very deep and thought provoking...
So here it is. In the world of digital photography, facebook and begs the I really need to do the Christmas Card thing?
Ever since Andrew came along- I have been diligent in three things: Christmas Cards, photo albums and a scrapbook ( yes Kuretich a scrapbook;) )
The Christmas Card idea seems a little redundant, but at the same time I LOVE getting them. So, my quandary remains the same. Everyone that I would send a card too has probably seen most of my pictures ( I may like to post a few here and there on facebook). AND, I usually limit cards to family and friends I don't see. I have small pet peeve with people who just buy cards and sign a name at the bottom and that's it. ( I know, it's a random pet peeve, but if you are going to send a Christmas card give me a picture or SOMETHING to let me know about the year that has past.) I am probably losing friends by the second here.
Also, I love photo albums. My mom did a fantastic job of keeping albums all the way up through. However, it just seems crazy now to get all the pictures printed and in an album when I can just pop in a CD and the kids flip through the pictures on the computer. It seems less sentimental in so many ways. I did scale way back on the scrapbook thing. WAY back, as in, I haven't done it in a year.
The kids journey's are well documented in so many facets, I am not sure where the scrapbook fits in except to flash some creativity.
So, right now..yes..I am looking at pictures that would make a cute Christmas card, but really - not sure if that will come to fruition. Ah, the big questions in life.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just A Little Push For Emma

This blog has been on my mind for some time and it only comes with so much thought that I am not sure how to write it out. So, I think I am just going to write the story raw and here it is.

Emma is a first grader at school. She is blind and anyone can see, she has several physical set backs. When I met Emma I was very curious as to how Andrew would receive her. I would never think that Andrew would be mean or unkind, in fact I was more curious as to what his thoughts were about someone who was very different from him.

The other day he walked in the door and Gregg looked at me and then back and Andrew. He asked Andrew to explain what happened on the playground and instinctively I wondered what went wrong.

So Andrew looked at me and said "Well, I took some time and pushed Emma on the swings at recess."

I looked at him and of course my heart melted ever so slightly.

"Why did you decide to do that?" I asked him.

"Well, it just looked like she needed a little push."

With that simple statement he took off running and playing. Later he explained he alway has to tell his name when he is around her because he knows that she will learn his voice.

It was a mom moment for sure. I had asked Andrew if it scared him or bothered him that Emma couldn't see like he could and he just looked at me blankly and shrugged..."Why would that bother me?"

It puts one quickly to shame sometimes when you comprehend the pure acceptance a child could have. I had to step back for a minute and realize there are so many people around me that just might need a little push. I am guilty of getting wrapped up in life as it moves forward, but sometimes that busyness only makes me blind.

I think at times, Emma probably sees better than I do. She is more likely aware of the movement, the voices and the needs around her then I tend to be.

So, if we get a moment to close our eyes and and go "blind" I wonder....what we would actually see. I bet it wouldn't take long for us to find someone to give a little push.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A few pics from the weekend...

Because we all know - a picture is worth.......

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This Is Just My Opinion...

but I have to wonder about this game we call football. Last weekend some awesome friends(pictured above, were the coolest people of the trip) of ours asked us to join them for a Syracuse football game and charmed us into going with a pre-game meal of the best chicken wings ever!! So, I was in. But my opinion is this, I am not sure what it is about the sport of football itself that people actually enjoy...or it's the atmosphere.
Because, for Americans who have been greatly defined as having less than a stellar attention and baseball seemed to have captured our hearts like no other games...and honestly - could you pick two slower sports? Now, trust me, I get why they are enjoyable. However, for every 10 seconds of action in football, there is like five minutes of nothing, throw in a few bad calls and an injury and you are looking at a three and a half hour adventure for one sport.
I loved being there, the atmosphere was fun and exciting and I think THAT is why most people go for football. That is just my psychological opinion. I mean I love Superbowl weekend, but can't remember the last time I really cared about who won. I am probably digging myself a hole with my die-hard football fan friends and I know I am creating irony as I write for a sports section (football excluded there though). I have to admit that football bores me slightly, way too much down time for me. Though that is the exact critique the sport of soccer suffers in America. "Boring". To each his own. I have yet to be at a four-hour soccer game...not sure I would want to. But anyway, going to a game was super fun, wings were awesome and so was the company and I totally got a new t-shirt - of which I have some how lost the pic..but it's on facebook- so since you have nothing else better to do than to read my blog and check out my facebook page...go for it :)

Da' WINGS!!! Seriously, so absolutely fantastic!
AND - We had pretty good seats! And randomly found people we knew from the 'burgh among 40,000 of our closest friends.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Coaching soccer revolves around a little more than a ball ;)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fallin' In love...with fall

Ok, so I have been a little slow to embrace fall...only because I just love summer so much. However, these moments make it worthwhile...and I am sure there will more to go...but slowly, yes, I will fall inlove..... with fall.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It was a great post...I had to share...

It's one of those posts from someone else's blog that I just HAD to share. Check it out- you'll love it :) Trumbo's In China

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'll Admit It...

I think many people have a fascination with other people. Some may not admit they do, but they do. I notice other people's quirks and dynamics that differ from or simulate my own. Some people, like myself, openly admit that I people watch.
So the following quote in a book I was reading made me laugh :
"Ok, the truth is, I could help it, but I am dreadfully nosy and shamelessly distracted by people dynamics." - Beth Moore

Yup. It's true...that's me. People interest me and for many reasons, but I thought that quote summed it up pretty well. :) Wanna know what I notice about you??? :D

Monday, September 7, 2009

Beautiful Messes

There are songs, sayings and poems written about life's beautiful messes. Recently it has come up in at least two different places and the thread of its appearances allowed me to thing of what beautiful messes I appreciate. Now, of course the simple phrase can be stretched to cover a multitude of various "messes" but I went with a more literal translation.
For one, a beautiful mess is the left over dishes in the sink, a few extra dirty coffee cups and a couple extra things left on the counter to put away in the morning. This mess follows having great friends over the night before. It's a mess that represents people chose to spend their time with you. It's a good mess :)
A messy counter full of papers, crayons and more markers with missing tops...because a couple of kiddos sat there for an hour making you pictures and writing "I love mom" all over them.
The Christmas morning wrapping paper massacre is another favorite. After the tornado of presents being unwrapped and you can barely see the living room floor...yea, I like that mess too.
Ice cream stained laundry - need I say more about that kind of mess :)
So, those are just a few of the beautiful messes I have come to love:) I am sure there are more - and as the day goes on maybe I'll add them. For now... I need more coffee!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My friend sent this to me...

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an
attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, body
thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "WOO HOO, what a ride!"

gave me a little chuckle.... love it!!! It should be about the ride right? God made us to enjoy life- so whoo hoo! it is! (see how perky that was after my summer is over, fall stinks post?)

52 Degrees...

That is what it said in my car on the way to work today.  I know it's not freezing, but it was cold enough to warrant a light jacket and sweatshirts for the boys.  I am trying to be excited about the fall, but I feel summer skipped over upstate NY and thrust it right into fall.  So, now I am kinda of kicking and screaming against entering the fall season instead of embracing it with my usual gusto.  I don't want to let go of the warm days, pool-side parties, late night movies, summer mornings, tank tops and shorts, ice-cream runs, random weekend get-a-ways and spontaneous concert all seems to be coming to an end!  SOOOOO...I try to remind myself of all the good qualities that fall has to offer...but for right now - all I see is winter looming ahead!  I know...real positive huh?  I even reminded myself of all the colorful leaves, apple-picking, pumpkins, trick-or-treating, cozy fall clothes, soccer season...but its just not quite working yet. Nope. not yet.  I still want my summer time.  So I will, for now, stomp my foot and hold on with all my might to not let it go.... I have until next Tuesday when school starts.  Then, I will relent.  I will relinquish my hold and let summer slip away.  :(  I'll close the pool and sigh...then go make myself a cup of coffee. 

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ok, this is the SECOND time I have tried posting this blog....figures I would have it all written out and done...go to hit "post" and lose electricity. ANNOYING! Anyway, fondu is one of my favorite things. I love to eat, make it and eat it some more. So, for my birthday we went to a fondu restaurant in Albany. So yummy. However, a couple of my friends have never been and they were wondering how it worked. So simple...but so good. There a bazillion options, but this is what I went with.
First round is a cheese, bread and fruit. I went with a beer-batter cheddar cheese. The waiter (or waitress) melts and cooks up your cheese for you at your own table and you get to dip away. Awesome start.

Then you get to have some salad and choose your meat platter (another bazillion choices) We went with shrimp, beef, chicken and Salmon. Waiter dude comes back and cooks up your broth. Once its hot you dump your veggie and potatoes in so they can cook for awhile. THEN...fork up some meat and cook away. Each piece takes about a minute or two to cook... and you are given several dipping sauces.

And let's face it...the dessert is the best part. I chose milk chocolate and peanut butter for the pot. I'm not sure if it gets much better!!

Seriously - does that plate just say LOVE!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mom Jeans!

I saw this and had to giggle...I know shocker. But for moms and non-moms'll have to appreciate this little tid-bit. And if you don't. um. sorry? But you know the jeans!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ok, no - not promoting Nike ;) However, sometimes if you want to do something...ya just gotta do it. I had been wanting to head out to Mass. and visit the beloved Norman Rockwell Museum for forever!!! Just like millions of other Americans, I have really come to appreciate and embrace Rockwell's interpretations of American life. My mom had been wanting to see a college friend and visit the Sturbridge in one phone call (maybe two) we planned a two-day event in which we got to do it.So, OF COURSE I took pictures :) and loved doing something a little different, hangin' with the mom, going off-course to find a good cup of coffee and even finding out God cares when you get a flat tire :)
So... if there is something you wanna do (within reason.....or not!) do it. Read the novel, go see a friend you miss, send that email, have a girls night out, jump in the pool at 11 p.m. at night, go for a midnight drive, eat somewhere you haven't eaten before, go sky diving, pull an all nighter with some friends ;) whatever...just do it :)

Um. it's art :-)

hee hee - i know....i'm a dork... text messaging -hahahaha

If I had to write for the paper this way - I am guessing it would give procrastinating a whole new perspective.


All excited to see some Norm.

Outside the studio he worked in just before he died. Totally cool :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Are We So Surprised

These past two days were fantastic. I spent them in Mass. visiting the Norman Rockwell museum and Sturbridge Village with my mom. It's a short drive from here (3 hours to the village) and we were able to see one of my mom's college friends. It was a great couple of days, but of course, can anyone take a road trip without just one mishap? No.
So, about a half hour from home we blew a tire. We pulled into a LITTLE gas station that I had actually never noticed before and quickly realized we had no idea how to release the spare tire from under the car ( i know now!). Within five minutes a family whose daughter plays for me on the soccer team I coach, pulled into the gas station. They use that very gas station because he gets discounts there. My first thought is "what a coincidence!"
Why should I be so surprised that the timing was so perfect? God knew exactly where we were going to be and what was going to happen. It was not just perfect timing, it was God's perfect timing.
So my player's father stayed and helped us and eventually got back home in time to have a bunch of family over for dinner. phew! However, mom and I were discussing... "why are we so surprised when God works so directly or so overtly?" If we believe He is the same God in our Bible and the same God that was in every Sunday School lesson we ever learned ... we should be thankful for his incredible timing....not surprised.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To be six-years-old again....

It's common to get that nostalgic feeling; you know...when you wish you were a kid again. So, the other day I took in what my six year old does from morning to night and realized...perhaps, just for a day...I want to be six...and here is why.

1. My biggest concern this morning would have been which camo shirt I wanted to wear.

2. Breakfast was brought to my little table while I chose what cartoon I wanted to watch.

3. I come. I eat. I leave.

4. My dad would give me $$$ for helping with a chore.

5. People randomly tell me how cute I am.

6. Clothes mysteriously appear clean and folded when I want them.

7. Kisses usually make my boo boos stop hurting.

8. I am asked to take naps.

9. I am asked to go to bed early and to please sleep in.

10. I burn more calories in a day than anyone else I know.

11. I can't wait to turn another year older.

12. When I fall asleep in the car, I get carried in and put to bed.

13. I laugh when I am happy

14. I cry when I am sad, I can't hide either emotion.

15. I don't yet understand what makes people act badly.

16. As far as I am concerned...everyone thinks I'm great!

Just a few good reasons to be a kid again for a day...funny thing - of course we all had those days...we just can only appreciate them now looking back.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Therewith To Be Content..

The verse (Phil 4:11).... for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." encourages a person to be content with what they have. I am down with that. It's not fun to be discontent. I understand the verse and I understand the concept. I have to wonder about the other part...I mean...if we were ALWAYS content....would we dare to dream of something new and different? If some of the greatest inventors were content with the way things were made - would we ever see the new and innovative ideas come to be? So, I would have to define the difference between complacency and contentment...dreaming and always wanting more. Ahhh...the balance is the tricky part. I only ramble because its swirling in my head. There are things I would LOVE to do, but of course...I don't live on an island and my decisions affect other people. This is not a news flash, but it all comes into play. For instance, of course I should be thankful for my job...and I am (on most days) but I would love to branch out on my own....easier said than done.

I know some people who dream to write novels for a living, but that takes such time and sacrifice. Where does a mom with a few kids live out her dream to write a novel and still be super mom? Of course, I think many women are blessed with the ability to do both, but they continually wrestle with the time devoted to family and the time devoted to self. Of course, we should be content with what the Lord has blessed us with...and He always wants what is best for us. So, I have to believe he gave us the ability to dream and to dream big. He made dreamers and realists to balance out our world of inventors and practical decision makers. So, I have decided to put one foot in each world. One foot will balance me in the world of contentment and realism and the other will dance in dreams and ideals. I have a feeling both feet can walk toward the same goal.
Speaking of ideals.... this picture just goes to show....even when it rains....a little creativity can go a long way. I mean, we could have been content to just sit and watch the rain ;)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back On Track

Ok, so when I stated I was starting the P90x worked SLIGHTLY more than 90 days ago ;) I had to laugh at the idea of taking a before, middle and after photo and even if I did...well anyway.... my workout has been completed....though it may have taken me more than 90 days, I figured that is just life. I dare anyone to find 90 days of interrupted life in which NOTHING distracts you from what you intended to do. I had to figure in a wicked sinus infection, a few crazy work days and perhaps an "I'm just too tired" day. However, I got completely derailed since we left for Duxbury Beach approximately three weeks ago. Since then, my work outs suffered and my eating...well...let' just say a number of cookouts and a Wendy's run at 1a.m. this past Monday after a concert :) So, I am refocusing...getting back on track.....tomorrow :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

High School Musical...Boys VS. Girls

It's all about the kids..of course...why else would a bunch of "grown ups" go to a production of High School Musical :)
So... we had to take pictures and make sure the memory was forever kept.
The boys version vs. the girls version.

Personally, I think Danielle, Erika and myself make the better photo :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

A summer of music...and books :)

One of my favorite things about summer and fall are concerts! Last year we had a blast at a few and this year my prospects looked a little dismal. However, on the large, country scale - Kenney and Lady Antebellum will be in Connecticut - so since they will be here about the second week in August..I figured it would be a great way to spend a birthday ;)
However, any American Idol fans/country fans would know Josh Gracin. He was one of my favorite a couple of season ago and he will be at the Cobleskill Fair this year, so yup. got my tickets and I am excited to hear him. On a more obscure note Ingrid Michaelson will be in Albany in September. I would make this comparison... if you liked Jewel's earlier albums, you would like her. A group of us saw her perform last year and I thought she was fantastic! I actually went to the Hotel Cafe tour because of Joshua Radin...but came away a fan of Ingrid, Priscilla Ahn and the Cary Brothers. Priscilla came to the forefront a little when she sang the song Dream on movie Bride Wars.
And...Keith Urban will be here in dismal prospects have brightened. Too bad they aren't all free ;)
Btw - Cheryl..when you read this...I SAW you went to see Kenny and CAN'T get more country than that!!!! convert ;)

Yup and summer is for reading out in the sunshine...except the sunshine has been elusive. However, I swore I would not read more than one book at at time. That didn't work out too well. So. I am on book number two of the Lord of the Rings trilogy AND I started reading "Even Now" by Karen Kingsbury and I kinda sort of started "The Guardian" by my very favorite Nicholas Sparks. I MIGHT switch to audio for the LOTR. I figure with the amount of driving around I do to photograph and interview...I could listen my way through the entire series. We'll see.

Oh yea summer...also...means...lots of ice cream and bonfires :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

I laughed at this quote

At dinner with a friend.... and they said.....
"I don't do facebook, I don't have my space and well, I don't even know what twitter is." Ah... good to know that there are a few people holding out to the bitter end on the social networking band-wagon. Hold strong! Don't give in! We don't know want to know your status updates anyway!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An Artist I met

If you google John Houshmand you'll will find a gallery of unique art that doesn't quite compare to what you usually see. I had the pleasure of meeting with him and writing a piece about his work. His biography and abilities are both worth looking at and despite his world-wide recognition and publication and magazines , he was willing to meet with me and discuss how he found his way to designing furniture that costs $25,o00 each on the low end. His stuff is not found in Walmart btw.
Anyway, I say all that to explain why I posted the picture below. I toured his 850 acre farm land turned furniture-design-facility. The barns have been transformed into places where unique pieces are made for the rich and famous. However, this one barn will be transformed into a jazz studio. He is designing an acoustic rich environment that will be primed for recording and playing private concerts. So, as we turned to leave, I snapped the shot. It's not a usual picture for me. I realize I am so used to photographing sports, people and events that I usually don't take the time to photograph...well...something like this. So, I fell in love with it and with a little touch up help ;) it's a neat look at what potential is just around the corner for this ol' barn.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Where To Stay Near Boston..

I have to say - that the Tall Pines Bed and Breakfast in Duxbury, Mass. is about one of the best places you can my opinion. It's got a huge yard, hot tub and in ground pool not to mention a great little suite to stay in should you choose to. The price of the rooms cannot be beaten...I have looked around and there is no better pricing. PLUS I am telling you...the breakfast that is served every morning is FANTASTIC!!! I ate so much every morning I seriously didn't get hungry again until dinner time. It is five minutes from the beach, 25 minutes from Boston, 10 minutes from Plymouth and 40 minutes to Cape Cod.

Better yet, the people are so friendly. The man who owned the place, we'll call him Bart...because that was his name, is a retired teacher and coach. Now he goes clamming and one night brought us over some clams. I would be more excited if I actually liked clams,but Gregg was in his glory. However, I was at least going to TRY one. I did. I got three down before I finally gagged and reminded myself I don't do seafood. Well, I like shrimp and tuna fish (shout out to Samantha on the tuna) and that is it!

So, this picture will soon be my new facebook profile pic....gorgeous no?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

GPS Trust

So.... we made it to Duxbury, a town just outside of Boston near the beach. Awesome place, but it was a little long getting here ....for three reasons.
1.) Traffic
2.) Traffic
3.) Rain and Traffic

Oh well, we survived. I usually map out each journey, but this time I didn't. I just plugged it in to the GPS and went with it. I still stress out wondering if the little gadget sitting on the dashboard really knows where it is going. I have heard about so many misled GPS systems taking their weary travelers far of course into some strange unknown lands. However, we have used ours frequently and has yet to fail. It got us out to Bethel Woods (the original sight of Woodstock) last year for a Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts concert and today it navigated Boston without a problem. However, I am still learning to trust it. I still panic if I think its wrong and truly, with my sense of direction, I should really trust the GPS a lot more. OH well, its a learning experience. As we work together, I am sure we will develop a better relationship. Trust, its something earned, not just given right? So...GPS will have to earn and NOT mess up the rest of the weekend :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Friend Is A Morning Person...

Why is it that I find great friends...that have one fatal flaw...they are morning people. For dear friend and former roommate Cheryl (also my maid of honor) is one of the bestest people in the whole world...but her only flaw is that she says "good morning" with a smile. We still remained best friends...but we had to overcome the morning routine in college:) friend here in NY thinks I should go with her to do grocery shopping at 7 a.m. She promises fresh donuts, no crowds and a feeling of productivity before 9.
WHO CARES...if your productive before nine! Well, some people so much. However, I might have to consider this. Only to prove my point that I am miserable in the morning and seeing as how I dislike food shopping anyway, its like a double whammy of unlikable things. She thinks our friendship will be ok, I am a little wary of that. Some morning people need to just let us not-so-morning people live in peace.
However, if I do such a thing, it will be well documented..perhaps a photo with a time stamp on it. I am not for sure. We will see about this, this does mean I am up BY 6:30 at the latest. I would probably just get up and walk out to my car...whatever, who cares at that time of day anyway.
We'll see how this progresses.

AND - today I FINALLY bought a new computer. Very excited because I have a few photography jobs coming up and I think the new Mac Book Pro will make things run just smoothly!!! Whoo hoo.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Love Thunderstorms

I think a lot of people enjoy thunderstorms, others not so much. But for those that do...there is something very alluring about them. Perhaps its because we have no real control over them and they can be very overpowering...all we can do is just sit, watch and listen.
I also LOVE clouds...big, fat poofy ones! So, the day BEFORE the storm this week - I grabbed some pictures and as the storm got closer took some more...I know..random. But that's me.
Of course, with taking pictures of nature I always feel like there is a disclaimer: It was SO much better in real life! The photograph doesn't do it justice. So, with that goes the storm:

in coming!

This wasn't even sunset..this was just how quickly the sky darkened.

And this was cool because it was like the suns last hope to shine!